.if i were the same but different.

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a/n; im very tired okokkokokokokok enjoy, btw this has nothing to do with the song its just relaxing.

a crispy wind wafted through the night. it ruffled the fur on her jacket as her boots tapped the pavement gently, disturbing the gentle demeanour of the night. leaves rustled in a gentle sway as they rested their heads. a squirrel buried itself into its fur, hiding from the air. a mouse darted under a fence, its nose leading it to its one and only care. food. a cat jumped down from its window seal and made its way towards its owner, its eyes like small amber orbs against its warm brown body. it stretched out its legs and leapt onto the sofa. the sofa was a beaten blue color-muted like all the other colors in the house but something about that muted color felt like a force beckoning to sit and stay for a while and analyze all the problems of the earlier day. the cat layed down on his lap and made itself at home, it wasnt like he would mind. he lifted an arm gently and stroked the cat while his eyes centered naturally onto the wall while his mind worked. the fox walked through the undergrowth with a lowered head. it wasnt really thinking of much, more of just letting its instincts take control and guide him to where he needed to go. his nose twitched as the fox sniffed the damp ground, squishing under its paws were leaves of shades of brown, hickory, and umber that mixed into the earthy green color of the soil. the fox slipped under a few branches and slid on mud, though none of this alarmed the fox. it put confidence into its paws and steps to keep it safe. the fox touched flat, dry ground and curled up there silently.

the anonymus she, placed a firm hand on the door knob and softly opened the cafe door. she excused herself when a man passed by her, after that she sat down and ordered a americano. the waitress nodded and walked off- leaving the she in silence. she pulled out her phone and scrolled mindlessly through social media. after a few minutes the waitress gently placed her coffee infront of the she, nodded, and gave her a forced warm smile before walking away to do it all again. the she only nodded back as she grabbed the coffee by the handle and sipped it, continuing to scroll through social media.
the old he fell into sync with petting his cat, it was just as simple as breathing and seeing, a cycle where it felt like nothing changed, though so much was happening under the rug. he blinked out of his daze and lightly pushed the cat off his lap. he stood up and shuffled towards his room, taking out his keys and pushing open the door gently. the door fell out infront of him and led way to a light room, lit by nothing but the moon. he walked inside slowly, followed by his old chocolate colored cat. he closed the door behind him and sat on the bed, glancing at his pictures locked away enternally in a frame. his gaze landed on a certain picture, his wife, his kids, and him. together. the man smiled at the picture wistfully, as a stray tear fell down his face. he turned and placed the frame on the window seal and laid down in bed, facing the window, the moon, and the past. his cat laid down in his arms and snuggled closely into his warmth. they both somehow knew this was a special night. a good night.  and with that, they slept forever. peacefully.
the fox opened its eyes to a small clap of thunder. the animal let out a quiet whimper and huddled in closer to the pebbled mud walls and messy roots that lined the floor and walls. it pulled itself in closer and fell into its self. the sounds drowned away and all it felt was darkness. a type of welcoming darkness that greeted it into a peaceful rest before it had to rise again, so the fox fell asleep in the soft clouds of fur with the dark, peaceful, dusty air embracing it and promising security and loyalty. as much as it could give. 

a/n; i hope that was alright, it was more of a relaxing write and it had no real plot so i hope you dont minddd. love you, good morning, good afternoon, or maybe, goodnight. :)
btw 760 words woo!

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