Chapter 2

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The next morning, Flip walks into the station, seeing that Ron and (Y/n) have already started talking. He grabs a coffee, then walks into the room they're talking in. He sits down, "So what has been talked about?"
(Y/n) looks at Flip, grabs a small black box, "Rings, so it's believable."
Flip looks at the rings, "I haven't worn a ring around those men."
(Y/n) nods, "If they ask, say you lost it for a while, then found it somehow." She grabs Flip's ring, "Put it on, please."
Flip decides this is a perfect time to mess with her a little, "Put it on me." (Y/n) rolls her eyes and slides the ring onto Flip's left ring finger. Flip grabs her ring, gently slides it onto her left ring finger. She looks at him like he's being weird.
(Y/n) thinks for a moment, "It would be best if we really try to get along, I know it might be hard for us, but we have to convince them that we're in love."
Flip nods, "I agree. Do we have to kiss?" He thinks she's gorgeous, and he certainly wouldn't mind kissing her.
(Y/n) raises an eyebrow, "If it's to keep up appearances, yes." She wasn't sure his mind was completely on the job, but she doesn't have time to really contemplate that right now. She looks at Flip, "Ron and I agreed that I would be a housewife, and that you and I are working on starting a family."
Flip nods, "Sounds good."
Ron smiles, "Perfect, I'll call Walter."

After Ron hangs up the phone, he says, "Flip, (Y/n), you have been invited to dinner at Walter's house tonight at seven."
(Y/n) nods, "Okay, I'll get ready in a few hours."
Flip chuckles, "A few hours? It's noon."
(Y/n) nods, "Yes, and it takes time to get ready." Flip just shakes his head and goes back to what he was doing.

At five, (Y/n) grabs her jacket, she looks at Flip, "Pick me up at my apartment, six thirty, sound good?"
Flip looks at her, sips his coffee, "Yeah, I'll be there, what's your address?"
She writes her address on a piece of paper, "I'll see you soon." She walks out to her car, nervous and weirdly excited.

Half past six arrived faster than Flip would have liked, but just as he said he would be, he was standing outside her apartment, ready to take her to Walter's house. He knocks on the door, then waits.
Not even a minute later, (Y/n) opens the door, dressed in a beautiful yellow sundress and a jean jacket, she let her hair remain down. She smiles little, "Hey."
Flip nods, "Hey."
She grabs her purse and locks the apartment door behind her, "I'm ready when you are."
Flip grabs some equipment from his jacket pocket, "We have to get you wired." (Y/n) nods, taking off her jacket and pulling down the top of her dress, so Flip can attach the wire to her bra. Even though Flip has wired his partners before, but never a woman. He couldn't help but feel a little flustered, touching her like that.
(Y/n) smiles, noticing that he's flustered, but she doesn't say anything. She sees his Star of David necklace slip out from his flannel, "Flip, are you Jewish?"
He looks up from wiring her, "My heritage is Jewish."
(Y/n) gently touches the necklace, "You'd better take that off before we leave. You can leave it in my apartment if you want."
Flip finishes wiring her, then takes his necklace off, puts it on her coffee table.
(Y/n) looks up at Flip, "If you were Jewish, that's okay, there's nothing to be ashamed of. In the interest of honesty, I should tell you, I'm Native American. I know I look white, but I was born on a reservation, my dad is white, and I can pass for white, or at least no one has asked me if I'm Native American."
Flip was surprised, "Well your secret is safe with me. Native Americans are a beautiful people."
(Y/n) blushes a little, "We should get going." Flip nods and they leave her apartment.

Pulling up to Walter's house, (Y/n) feels nervous, she looks at Flip, "I might need to be closer to you tonight."
Flip chuckles, "That's fine, we do have to act married anyway." He gets out of the car, walks around and opens her door for her. (Y/n) steps out of the car and holds Flip's hand. As they walk to the front door, Flip gently squeezes her hand for reassurance.
Ringing the door bell, Flip's nervous for (Y/n) to be there, he doesn't want her to get hurt or freaked out.
Walter answers the door and lets them inside, he smiles at (Y/n), "You must be Mrs. Stallworth."
(Y/n) smiles, "Yes, call me Nancy, please."
Flip kissed her head, moving his arm to her waist.
Walter chuckles, "Well, it's very nice to meet you, Nancy. Come on in, you two."
Flip and (Y/n) follow Walter, (Y/n) looks up at Flip, he gently pulls her a little closer to his side.
Walter glances back at them, "Newlyweds?"
(Y/n) smiles, "Three months in. Still in the honeymoon phase." She kisses Flip's cheek, which causes him to smile. They arrive in the dinning room where Felix and his wife, Connie, were sitting at the table.
Flip and (Y/n) sit down next to each other, Flip keeps his arm around (Y/n).

Hours of eating and talking go by, and Flip feels like it's time to go home. He looks at (Y/n), then at everyone else, "We should be heading home."
Connie smiles, "Nancy, it was so nice to meet you." She hugs (Y/n), who pretends to enthusiastically hug back.
(Y/n) pulls back from the hug, "Tonight has been really nice, I hope we can do it again sometime soon." She stands up from her seat, Flip follows suit, then grabs (Y/n)'s handbag for her.
Walking to Flip's car, (Y/n) was so glad that was over for now. She gets in the car, "They're watching us from the window, should we really sell it?"
Flip chuckles, getting in the car, he cups her cheek in his hand and leans in, kisses her softly. She kisses back, grabbing his flannel in her fist. As they pull apart, she feels her cheeks are blushing. But what she wouldn't tell him is that she wishes the kiss was longer.

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