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Ram hugs King from behind, lovingly bringing the boy in the safety of his embrace. He knows what he wants to do today is risky, he knows he should ask for Kings consent first. He knows that the older might hate him afterwards. But what… what if he succeeds? Wouldn’t things be easier?

But he doesn’t want to hurt King. If the older really wouldn’t want him to do what he is going to ask, he won’t. King is the most important person in his life, the most understanding, sweetest and, yes, cutest boy the taller ever laid his eyes on. From the first moment he was intrigued with the intelligent boy. The way his eyes would never end to show his curiosity, the way he always would be interested in everything Ram does. King would do anything for Ram, and this moves the younger, touches him. The engineering student would simply do anything for him and as much as this thought warms his heart, it makes him sad, too.

He doesn’t deserve the treatment he is getting; it is just too much for him. Too much love, too much attention. Not that he doesn’t like to be the center of Kings attention… but only sometimes. And when it is Kings only. But with King comes Mek, Boss, Tee and – the worst of all – the boyfriend of his best friend, Bohn. As if his own friends, Tang, Phu, Ting and Duen wouldn’t be bad enough on themselves. Even they overwhelm him sometimes, why did he befriend them again?

Mek and Boss always were hard to deal with, them acting like a couple when they weren’t took the last nerve out of everyone, they all just knew that the two are made for each other. Even the senior back then knew. And now, that they are an official couple it just gets worse. They are constantly flirting, cuddling and – the worst – kissing. At least if the ranking of bad antics would be made by Ram. It became to a habit of Boss to always kiss Mek’s cheeks when he was grateful for something and Mek spoils him, so this happens way too often. Maybe Mek likes to spoil him because of this even more. This is just how he is, too kind for everything, filled with endless love he is willing to give to everyone, especially Boss. He kept his feelings in for so long, of course he is happy to finally release and show them.

Then there are Bohn and Duen, disgustingly cute and ever since the volunteer camp all lovely-dovely. Where Duen never waned to display physical affection publish before the trip he now can’t keep his hands by himself, constantly taking Bohn’s hand to play with his finders or asking for hugs, melting into his touch. This could be cute but for Ram this just shows that he got defeated and Ram doesn’t like that, not at all. He still isn’t fond of Bohn but he makes Duen happy and that’s all that matters, right?

Lately they are getting joined by Frong and sometimes Thara, too. The two are really really lovely, Frong’s shy glances towards the doctor and his caring smile whenever he looks at the younger. Ram really hopes that there will be a happy end for these two, they are just perfect for each other. Thara is always caring but he just cares a little bit more about Frong than about the rest. Frong always smiles – even towards Bohn by now – that’s why he got the nickname Yim after all. He always smiles but just smiles a little bit more when he sees Thara.

Ram knows he can have this too; he knows King is willing to give him the entire world. King is just way too perfect for someone like Ram. And he knows he shouldn’t say this out loud or else King would be all over him, telling him how he deserves the world and much more. That’s just how King is. But he doesn’t want that, wants the older to live his life, he has enough struggles on his own. Besides, Ram is already taking so much from the older, already receiving so much more than he ever thought he would. How could he give him… more? Wouldn’t it be selfish to want more, to expect more?

King is just perfect. He let’s not only Ram but also his dogs live with him, even though he is terrified by dogs. He gives Ram the opportunity to speak but always takes over when the younger doesn’t want to speak or doesn’t know what to say, how to say the things with his words. Instead he understands him with a single gaze at his face, into his eyes. He understands him without words.

doggies - a RamKing osWhere stories live. Discover now