Chapter 3

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Next day in the morning AJ arrives at his restaurant early in the morning and shocked to see that Malhar & his men is sealing the restaurant.

AJ (Shockingly) - Hey what's all going on here? What just happened??
Mallu - I'm sorry Akshat..  please let me do my duty.
And where was you? I was calling you from long time…
AJ - Oh Shit I forgot my phone at home but now will you please tell me what all this? Please stop don't seal my restaurant this is everything for me You know very well.
Mallu - Well then you needed to be careful… the food which you served to food inspector was poisoned by someone… bcz of this Sir is in hospital, takin treatment & he has filed complaint against your restaurant. Your deal has been cancelled & govt has given orders to immediately seal the restaurant.

(AJ's world came to an end after hearing this he shattered and began to cry… why oh God… )

Mallu - Be strong… I know someone is conspiring against you but don't worry I'll find out that person soon but until then we've to close the restaurant.
AJ - Malhar pls do something… have you checked kitchen room CCTV footage? Common everything will be cleared.
Mallu - Akshat calm down... I've checked already...! Whoever has done this knows very well all the angles of kitchen… it's difficult to identify him because more than 50 chefs were working in a same room yesterday. We've to do something else.
AJ - What? But who? Why?
Mallu - Akshat… you said na yesterday Kabeer have prepared all the food for inspector?
AJ - No… noo… no Malhar I trust Kabeer he can't do this!

Now Kabeer also arrived & shocked to witness the scenario.…
Kabbu - Ya Allah… what went wrong here…!
He tried to pacify sad AJ.
Mallu - Kabeer… Last night food inspector hospitalized after having lunch from here. Doctors have found slow poison was mixed in your prepared food..
Kabbu - what? Is that inspector alright? And who is behind all these?
Mallu - Will find soon & yeah inspector condition is serious kept in ICU.
Now Chef Deven who has done all these conspiracy comes from behind and started to blame Kabeer for all this happenings.

AJ - Shut up Deven… are you out of your mind? Why will Kabeer do this?
C. Dev - And do you have any reasons to give why can't Kabeer do this? I mean I'm working here from last 5 yrs… such things never happened before…
(Kabeer gets shock hearing all accusations on him)
Kabbu (Teary eyed) - I don't need to clarify anything bcz me & my Allah knows all what is truth.
C. Dev - Oh Kabeer… now stop all this drama… I know very well that it's your deed. You yourself had prepared & served the food to inspector na? So what are you waiting for ACP Malhar? Arrest Kabeer now.

(Malhar gets suspicious of Chef Deven)

Mallu - And how could you be so sure of this Mr Deven? Law wants proofs not only accusations…
AJ outburst in anger… - "Oh please stop it all this… I want my restaurant back at any cost".
C. Dev - And what if I say I've proof against Kabeer then?
Everyone present there get shock.

Deven says to AJ that he has heard Kabeer talking on phone with someone saying that one day he'll achieve height of success & he's ready to do anything for this. Kabeer have reasons to do this because he wants to put AJ prestige down so he can take all fame & build new restaurant… and if you still can't believe I've another proof as well.. yesterday I saw Kabeer goes to washroom just before the arrival of food inspector & and from washroom sink dustbin I found this poison bottle…
And I'm damn sure Kabeer fingerprints are on it therefore I took it carefully using towel.

(Now Kabeer remembered that there was some kind of empty bottle was on the sink so without noticing it as he was in hurry so picked the bottle and threw it to dustbin. Kabeer now realized that Deven is behind all this, As he's jealous of Kabeer & AJ's friendship.)

AJ shouts at Kabeer holding his collar blindly trusting on Deven's words…
Malhar stops AJ & ask his men to arrest Kabeer after matching fingerprints on bottle with of Kabeer.
Kabeer surrendered himself without telling single word for his defense. 

Mallu - Kabeer do you want to say anything in your defense?
Kabbu - As I've already said earlier I've full trust over my Allah he's watching all… when right time will come real culprit will be exposed. And I trust you also that you'll be able to find that person… but please take care of AJ.
Mallu - alright then.
(Malhar to himself - "Ah… I know that Kabeer is innocent.. I can see the truth in his eyes and I've doubt over this Deven, but for that I've to prove Kabeer as innocent, have to find evidence against Deven & to save Akshat's restaurant… Oh God pls help also I've to find that Sampada)


Malhar dropped AJ to his home.
When AJ arrives home nobody was there… Guddan went for her shooting…
AJ sits in a corner crying… he wish if Guddan could be with him. He remembers how rudely he spoke with her last night.

AJ calls Guddan - Parv picks up the phone)

AJ - Hello Guddan please come home earlier tonight I need to talk to you and I'm sorry for my yesterday's behaviour…
Parv immediately understood that something is wrong with AkshAn
Parv - Good morning Jindal Sir… I'm Parv.. Guddan ji co star. Remember?
AJ - Oh Yes how are you Parv… please give phone to Guddan I've to talk to her urgently…
Parv - I'm so sorry Sir actually Guddan ji is very busy in rehearsals actually there's very romantic moments coming between us in the show… therefore she can't talk to you.

AJ (Angrily) - Oh really then tell your Guddan ji to not come home also… stay in the set forever. (Call hungs up)
Guddan comes & ask Parv what's he doing with her phone bcz she went to washroom.
Parv - Arre Guddan ji your Jindal Sahab phone was there… OMG… he sounds very Angry… when I picked up the call he lashed out at me… oh ho ho how you handle him? He even told me to tell you that you don't need to go home tonight stay in the set forever ..
Guddan - Parv don't lie.
Parv - Oh my innocent Guddan ji… why should I lie to? What will I get?
Guddan calls AJ but his is switched off.
Guddan to herself - "Why Jindal Sahab wants distance from me? What went wrong? Why so much of misunderstanding? If he don't want me to come home then ok I'll not go to home until he comes to receive me".


Now Sampada comes to meet Parv on set in a disguise of a poor girl hiding her face… Sampada is no other than Parv's own sister.
Parv - Sampu you're fine na? I was worried for you.
Sam - I'm fine Bro… Malhar is searching for me.. I'm scared don't know where to hide myself.
Parv - Don't worry Behena, I've called you here coz here nobody will doubt on you. My co star Guddan needs a new hairstylist coz her present stylist is sick… and also you've to help me staying here to get closer to Guddan…

Sam - Oh Bro… will you please stop wooing on Guddan for a while and listen to me? I'll do whatever you say but you also have to help me to take revenge with Malhar… once he was my BF but now he's my main enemy he destroyed my life now I'll destroy him & Kalyani…
Parv - All done Behena… my life goal is to seperate Guddan & Akshat Jindal…
Sam - Akshat Jindal husband of Guddan? I've read today in newspaper that he's Restuarant sealed…!
Parv - Whoa…. What a great news my dear… I didn't know about this… now I got why Akshat seems so much frustrated when he called Guddan… now Sampu make sure that Guddan will not learn this truth regarding Restuarant closure.


ZaBeer sad moments in jail, Guddan get to know about Jindal Restuarant case, Parv kidnaps Kalyani.

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