Bus stop bitch

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(Y/N) sat at the kitchen table. Quickly, she ate her breakfast waffles and watched as the tv in the living room played. A rerun of Terrance and Philip was after the news... god who even watched that show anymore? She hadn't seen that awful excuse of comedy since she was a child, and even then she thought it was crap.
She picked at her food with the fork. The flatulence in the background suddenly made her lose her appetite.
Jacob, (Y/N)'s father entered the kitchen, "Hey sweets." he greeted before making his way to the coffee maker.
(Y/N) merely grunted in response, nonchalantly scrolling through her phone. She did this to avoid any real conversation with her father.
She was never very close with him and felt a bit awkward when they were alone- it was as if they had nothing in common. After she was forced to move in with him when her mother got sent to prison, she felt herself get more and more annoyed by him. Maybe it was the angst, or possibly the difficulty of adjusting to a new state. Whatever it was, it didn't matter. She'd have to get used to being around him more often.
He noticed this, and brushed it off as morning grouchiness, "Excited for your first day at South Park high?" Jacob asked.
"Actually no dad, I'm not. I want to go back to Connecticut to my old school with my old friends."
Jacob removed his mug from the coffee machine and took a long sip. He knew there was not much he could do about that.
He thought for a moment... how could he make his little girl feel more at home in South Park?
"Look," he began, "How about I take you to the mall after school? You can go shopping with a few friends."
(Y/N) let out a wry laugh. There went her father trying to make up for his shortcomings by showering her in gifts.
She appreciated his efforts and the money spent, she really did. It was enough to make her smile, but not enough to make her happy about the move.
(Y/N) nodded and stood, picking up her bag from the floor, "Sure dad." She smiled, "You're driving me to school, right?"
"Oh no I'm not. You're taking the bus just like every other kid in this town." Her father informed her. He spoke as if he weren't expecting (Y/N) to even ask that question.
She frowned, "What? But I'm a senior, usually seniors are driving their own cars by now, Let alone having their parents drive them to school! I'm not a little kid who needs to take the school bus." (Y/N) scoffed.
Jacob simply ruffled the top of her head and chuckled deeply, "(Y/N) this is South Park. All the students take the bus."
With that, he waved his daughter off, letting out a grunt as he sat at the table and lifted the morning paper.
Already discouraged, (Y/N) sighed, swinging her bag over her shoulders and taking one more swig of orange juice before walking towards the front door.
Reluctantly, she turned the doorknob and took in a breath of the brisk autumn Colorado air. It was only just September and it was already sweater weather. (Y/N) closed the door behind her, suddenly she was nervous about being a new senior and meeting new people.
She stomached down her worries and walked towards the nearest bus stop. Hopefully she'd be the only person there.

As expected, bad luck had already struck (Y/N). At the bus stop she had hoped to stand alone at, there were already plenty of other students waiting.
While walking closer, she counted. Four girls at one end of the bus sign, and four boys on the other, it was odd, as if they purposely segregated themselves by gender. Obviously, (Y/N) would accompany herself with the other girls.
   She distanced herself a little away from the group.
   Not before long, one of the girls spoke to her.
   "Who are you?" The girl with the long, silky black hair, purple jacket and beret asked.
   (Y/N) answered her, trying her best not to be as awkward as she could be, "(Y/N). It's my first day."
   As she spoke, the other three girls at the bus stop perked with interest.
   "You're starting a new school senior year? That's strange."
   "Wendy, we should make her feel welcome! Hi (Y/N.), I'm Isla. Over to my left are Theresa and Heidi."
   Theresa and Heidi gave (Y/N) a wave, while Wendy raised an eyebrow. She seemed to be examining (Y/N) as she stood there, causing (Y/N) to shift uncomfortably in place.
   The five girls all continued a pleasant conversation. They seemed to be getting along for now and had a good amount of things in common. They even invited (Y/N) to sit at their table at lunch, which was a relief knowing she wouldn't have to awkwardly wonder around the lunchroom looking for a seat, or have to spend lunch with the teachers.
   Though, she wasn't completely invested in the conversation. (Y/N)'s eyes periodically shifted towards the group of boys at the other side of the bus stop. She was almost trying to listen in on their words- or rather, their argument.
   Wendy noticed the eyes of (Y/N) wonder and followed her gaze with her own. As soon as they landed on the boys Wendy immediately shook her head, "Don't even think about it."
   "What?" (Y/N) asked, surprised at the sudden exclamation.
   Wendy shook her head, "Those boys are bad news. Each one of them are the school's biggest assholes." She rolled her eyes, "Don't let their looks fool you."
   Heidi butted into their conversation, "Except the fat one's looks. Not like he's eye candy or anything."
   Wendy, Isla, and Theresa all busted out into giggles and laughs. (Y/N) was confused.
   "Like you should talk! Remember when you dated Cartman and then got like, fat?" Theresa spoke through her laughs.
   The three only erupted into more laughs at Theresa's nostalgia, Heidi only crossed her arms and pouted, mumbling under her breath, "That was in elementary..."
   "Hmm..." (Y/N) began, "I wouldn't say fat, he looks more big-boned to me."
  Wendy stopped laughing and put a mittened hand over (Y/N)'s mouth, shushing her.
   "(Y/N), don't let Cartman hear that! Are you trying to inflate his ego? If it gets any bigger, he'd probably bust!" She said in a hushed tone.
   The other girls only nodded and agreed.
   (Y/N) gently removed Wendy's hand, "Ok...Christ." She huffed.
   Small snickers and laughs became auditable from the other side of the crossing sign.
   The girls all turned their heads, Heidi nearly looked as if she was ready to fight. The boys on the other side quieted their laughs, and who she assumed was Cartman playfully, but still roughly, punched the shoulder of the guy in the orange parka.
   Once they noticed the stares, their boyish laughs only grew, and the orange parka boy got another punch to the shoulder.
   After that punch, she watched as he turned to face his aggressor, only to accidentally make eye-contact with (Y/N).
   From where she was, (Y/N) could only hear a muffled "Dude!" from his hood.
   Isla frowned, holding onto Theresa's arm, "Are they talking about us?" She asked.
   Heidi growled, "They better not be."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2020 ⏰

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