Interviewing Ubercorn

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Jane: And now we will be interviewing a disco loving Unicorn who is the Go jet academy leader...


👏 👏 Applause

Jane: How old are you?

Ubercorn: My dad ripped up my birth certificate when I was born.

Jane: Have you been to Disneyland?

Ubercorn: Every Disney park except for the Hong Kong Disneyland.

Jane: What's your favourite colour?

Ubercorn: Every colour in the world

Jane: What are your favourite foods?

Ubercorn: Rainbow cake and all the food in the world

Jane: What is your favourite thing to do?

Ubercorn: Love to tell some Funky facts. Ow!!!!

Jane: What's your favourite landmark?

Ubercorn: I love every landmark in the world.

Jane: What is your favourite style of dance?

Ubercorn: I love break dancing and every style of dance including ice skating.

Jane: Ubercorn, you are my new best friend.

Ubercorn: Thank you everyone!!

Jane: Thank you Ubercorn

👏 👏 👏 👏 Applause

That is all for tonight's show, next Friday we will be interviewing Katniss Everdeen.

Thank you so much everyone for being on the show tonight.

Next week on the guest will be Hunger Games edition.

We'll see you next week.

Have a good night.

If you missed some episodes, don't worry, it's on Freeview TV.

The guest  Fridays 8:00pm or on demand.

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