Chapter 4

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Author's POV

Third day

It was 3.00 p.m and Da Reum jumped to the sofa and turned on the tv immediately. She almost missed her favorite tv show, Running Man.

"oh, it starts!"

While she was so focus watching the television, Junhoe down the stairs and glanced to her.

"yah, I'm going out". No response from Da Reum.

"ya, Ahn Da Reum!", called him louder.

"yea?", answered her but her eyes still on the television.


"aishh, why why why!!"

"I'm going out and the key house is in that cabinet just in case you want to go out too".

"hmm", said her without looking at him.

"yah, do you hear me?! ".

"arasso arasso!! I'm watching the television and just go. It's not like I'm going out too". She started to feel annoyed.

"ugh, whatever".

Junhoe walked out from the house leaving her alone.


Da Reum's POV

1 hour has passed after I done watching Running Man on television and I started to feel bored. I didn't know what to do anymore. Because usually, I would go out with my friends but right now I was too far away from them. Ugh, should I go out too? But I didn't have any transport. Yeah, let just go out around here. It was already evening and it was not too hot out there, so it's a perfect weather to walk. It's been a long time I didn't walk around though.

As I walked to the door, I just remembered of something.

"what Junhoe has said to me huh? Ohh I think he talked about the key house that he put it somewhere".

I started searching for it but I couldn't see it. Where the hell is he put it? I wanted to ask him, but I didn't have his number either. Ugh, stupid me for not heard it carefully.

But, I just wanted to go out for a while. Yeah just around here. So, it's okay right if I just leave this house without lock it? I will comeback before he's back.

I nodded to myself and started to walk out from the house.


Junhoe's POV

While I'm driving the car, my phone rang. I plugged on my earpod and answered the call.

"hey Junhoe, what's up?"

"hey, Yunghyeong. Why did you call me?".

"just because. Actually, I'm just around your residential area and I just thought to stop by your house. It's been a long time I didn't see you after you went to Japan".

"oh what are you doing there? I'm not at home, man".

"oh really? I went to my cousin's house".

"Sorry. You should tell me sooner".

"Nah, it's okay. We will gather on this weekend with the other boys anyways right?".

"of course. Like usual"

"good. See you soon".

The call ended. And after a minute, I arrived at the coffee shop. I hoped she's here.


Da Reum's POV

After about 15 minutes walking from the house, I finally arrived at the convenience store. I walked into it and started searching for ice-cream that I'm really craving of for a long time.

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