(Overlord) ep 6 it was my time!

191 4 11

E/n= Empire Name

3rd POV

Shalltear: You did well to get this far.

Ains: I'll accept that honest praise of yours.

Shalltear: So, do you have any last words?

Ains: Well, that I'm at a disadvantage and that I'm weak without my MP...

Ains: I'm grateful you thought that way

Ains: and fought me without holding anything back, Shalltear. If you had fought cautiously,

Ains: I wouldn't have been able to execute everything this well.

Shalltear walks towards Ains. The camera switches back to Y/n & Noelia we see them leave the sofa and Y/n opens a portal, and both of them walk through it. 

back to Ains & Shalltear

Ains: Well, that I'm at a disadvantage and that I'm weak without my  MP...

Ains: I'm grateful you thought that way 

Ains: and fought me without holding anything back, Shalltear. 

Ains: if you had fought cautiously, I wouldn't have been able to execute everything so well.

Ains: in PVP, player versus player, the most important thing 

Ains: is how well you can deceive your enemy with false information.

Ains: For instance, though you changed your armor, so that holy attacks aren't very useful, you pretend they are.

a portal slowly open behind Shalltear 

Ains: Or though you're still weak to fire, you suffer through without flinching. 

Ains: Since there was a chance you would check my Hp with Life Essence I used False Det-


A sound could be heard.

Shalltear looked down at her chest and could see blood coming out. 

Shalltear: W- What

???: Sup

Shalltear turned around only to see Y/n & Noelia pointing their pistols at her. They start to shot Shalltear until she leys dead Ains looked pissed. 

Ains: Really?! 

Noelia: Yup


Y/n: and we took it 


Noelia: relax bone head 

Ains: *sigh*

Y/n: what shes your sister

Ains: It doesn't make it any better! *to Noelia* sure its nice to have you here Sis  

Ains: but that's not what's most important 

Noelia: then what is? 

Ains: that you are starting to make bone jokes!

Y/n: oh Relax your bones, man 

Noelia: we don't want you to get bone damage now would we  

Ains: *sigh* lets us just get back to the tomb

Noelia: of course mister bone Swagger 69

Ains: Come on, it was one time! 

Y/n: you mean the username you had before you changed it to momonga?

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