Chapter Four - School

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A/N I would recommend checking out SnakeDoctorChannel and Solidarity on YouTube before reading this.

The holidays went by in a blur of trips out, movie marathons and playing video games.
Then it came to my first day at my new school: Park Lane High. The bus picked me up at the end of the road and I went to sit next to a boy on the only free seat in the bus. He looked up nervously as I sat down next to him and I smiled at him.
'Hey new girl!' I heard someone shout from behind me. I turned round to see that it was a boy shouting at me, leaning into the aisle to see me. 'I wouldn't sit next to him if I were you, you'll get geek disease.'
I sighed as I turned back round and the boy next to me said quietly 'You'd probably be better sitting next to them, not many people like me and if they see you talking to me they'd probably start to dislike you aswell.'
'I don't mind, that's nothing new for me.' I told him.
'What school did you go before here?' He asked.
'I used to be in a home, so they taught us there.'
'Surely no one would have said anything there though?'
'No but I've been adopted 4 times before this one and none of them have turned out well.'
'Really? What happened if you don't mind me asking?'
By the time the bus pulled into the school I had told the boy all about me, and I had found out quite a bit about him. His name was Jimmy and his friend Snake lived next to the school so he didn't get the bus. He had been at this school since he was 5 and he was now 13 which would make him in my year, and possibly in my class.
We got out of the bus together and he came along to the office with me to get my timetable. He compared it to mine and it turned out we were in all the same classes together except for Maths, because I would have to be graded and put into whichever class I was at the level for.
We had 10 minutes until our first class (French) so Jimmy led me over to introduce me to Snake. The three of us got on really well and by the time the bell went we were talking about video games and music as though we had known each other for years.
French went okay, with me managing to get a seat at a table with Jimmy and Snake but then came Science. I've always been terrible at science, it just goes in one ear and out the other. I'm okay at physics topics but everything else I'm rubbish at.
The teacher sat me down in a different room from everyone else and gave me a huuuuuge test to "see what my abilities are". By the end of the period I had only done half of it and I had left the entire physics section empty.
Jimmy and Snake met me outside and we walked to registration together. The teacher was nice and moved people around so that I could sit with them.
The rest of the day passed by quickly and before I knew it I was sitting in English with 10 minutes to go until the home time bell. Unfortunately we had that teacher that decides to keep you back so we got out 10 minutes late and of course as we got outside we saw the bus pull away from the stop, leaving us stranded in the cold.
Jimmy sighed and said 'time to walk home then.' We said goodbye to Snake and set off on the 30 minute walk home.
We had been walking for about 15 minutes when it started raining. And not just a little bit. It was like there was a giant bucket being tipped on our heads. Neither of us had waterproof coats on but I had a small umbrella tucked in my bag, so I pulled that out and the two of us squeezed underneath. It was supposed to be for one person so our bodies were pressed against each other a little as we hurried along the sodden streets. It didn't take too long to get back to my house, and I pulled Jimmy up the path with me so that I could ask Stampy and Squid if he could borrow the umbrella.
Stampy opened the door almost as soon as I rang the bell and dragged me and Jimmy inside.
'I was beginning to worry, where have you been?' He said sternly.
'Our teacher kept us back late so we missed the bus, I forgot my phone,' I said, hoping I wasn't going to get into trouble.
'And who might you be?' He asked, turning to Jimmy.
'Erm... I'm Jimmy' He said nervously.
'I take it your a friend of my daughters then?'
'Yes sir, we're in the same class'
'Call me Stampy, I suppose you'd better get going then, do you want to borrow the umbrella?'
'Yes please, I'll see you tomorrow Y/N, bye.'
Jimmy opened the door to reveal Squid, drenched from head to toe and carrying two bags in each hand. 'I went to get some food' he began 'and when I was halfway back it started raining.' Somewhere in the middle of that Jimmy had managed to slip past Squid and out the door and he was now running along the street holding the umbrella above his head.
Squid came in and shut the door and Stampy got him a towel and wrapped it round his shoulders.
'How was your first day at school then?' Squid asked. 'I see that you've found yourself a boyfriend already.'
'We're just friends.'
'Are you sure about that? You were looking pretty close under that umbrella.'
'It was a small umbrella.'
'I'm only teasing you, but even so you'd be a cute couple.'
'So how was school then?' Stampy asked, cutting in before Squid could say anything else.
'It was okay. The only bad part was the giant test the teacher gave me in Science.'
'You'll meet a lot of teachers like that.' Stampy said 'Just try your best and remember that you're marks don't matter too much in life.'
I was glad that Stampy said that because I didn't want to get shouted at for getting low marks. At the home if we got less than 70% (an A) we would be shouted at and locked in our rooms for a few hours to "think about our actions."
We had something to eat and watched a film, and then it was time for me to go to bed after my first day of many at my new school.

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