Part 1

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I'm nervous."

Sonic looked from the ring in his hand to the striped hedgehog behind him. Shadow tugged at the red cuffs on his gloves, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. The Ultimate Lifeform's brow furrowed as he looked at the ring in Sonic's hand then at the Blue Blur's face. The two of them were standing in the middle of the flower field they had lovingly tended to together for almost three years. It was a beautiful day but, instead of spending it together on Mobius, they were going to Earth.

"Shads, it's okay. We're just gonna visit my Mom and my Dad," he reassured his boyfriend.

"I know but… Well, they're your parents." Shadow bit his lip. "What if they don't like me?" he mumbled.

"Relax, babe. I've already told them about you during my last visit. They really want to meet you," Sonic told him, walking over to Shadow.

"And they're okay with you being gay?" Shadow raised an eye ridge.

Sonic laughed. "More than okay. In fact, during one visit where I brought Amy over to meet them, I got so confused when they asked if she was my girlfriend. Then I started rambling about how Amy's a really good friend, that I treat her like a sister, and that I didn't really feel any attraction towards her. I told them that I didn't really feel attracted to any of my female fans either. Oh, then I started talking about how I felt all weird around guys like Knuckles and how I sometimes thought that some guys I met looked really cute. I got all flustered during that bit but Mom calmed me down and she and Dad told me that it was okay and that I was at that stage where I was figuring out my sexuality. And they deduced that I might be attracted to guys more than girls based on what I said. And they told me that whatever I choose to be, they'll support me a hundred and ten percent," he explained.

Shadow nodded, taking all of this information in. He smiled a little, noticing how Sonic took a minute to catch his breath. The blue hedgehog's rambling tendencies hadn't stopped even after nearly five years of living on Mobius.

They met when Sonic was 16 then started dating shortly after the hero had turned 18. The last time Sonic visited his parents was about seven months after the hero celebrated his 19th birthday. Now Sonic was just three months away from turning 20, which meant that it was high time to introduce Shadow to his parents.

Before that, Sonic and his brother, Tails, had managed to find more rings they could use to visit Earth. Of course, due to Robotnik having taken up residence in their homeworld, they couldn't stay away from Mobius for that long. But Sonic was determined to go home to visit the Wachowskis at least once a year. On the few days he was back in Green Hills, Montana, he got to spend some quality time with his parents, let them know that he and Tails were doing okay and that Robotnik's not coming back to Earth thanks to him and his friends defeating the Doctor time and time again. They brought Amy and Knuckles with them sometimes. And Tom and Maddie were always glad to see them. Now, it was Shadow's turn.

Sonic smiled, cupping Shadow's cheek. "I want them to meet the awesome hedgehog I've fallen in love with. And I just know that they're gonna love you, Shads," he said, pressing his forehead against Shadow's in an intimate gesture.

Chuckling, Shadow nuzzled his boyfriend. "All right, Blue. I'm ready," he said.

Nodding, Sonic turned around. He thought of the forest near the town of Green Hills then threw the ring. Once the portal was wide enough, he and Shadow jumped through.

"So this is where you lived?" Shadow asked, looking around.

"For the first ten years, yeah. Ooh, here's the entrance to my cave!" Sonic crouched before the opening, brushing away the fallen leaves that had accumulated over it. Taking Shadow's hand in his, he jumped inside. Both hedgehogs curled up into balls and landed on the cave floor with a soft thud.

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