Chapter 2

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“You is kind. You is smart. You is important.”
~The Help, 2011

Kara's Pov
(Check 4 Esoteric to see the person portraying Kara)

I can't believe the situation I am in, me Siera and the 4 Esoteric are at our Nana place. We got a news about Nana getting a stroke and that was all it took us to be here.

Let me explain few things, Nana is my and Ryan's grandmother from maternal side. Ryan is my cousin brother but more a like a real brother since we are the only child so we are very close. Also my dad and his dad are childhood friends another reason for us to be close. Our parents since we were young didn't have much time for us and were busy or away because of business, so me and Ryan would always be at Nana. She is a kind-hearted women who always cared for us, loved us,we liked spending our times with her.

Ryan met other members of 4 Esoteric in highschool and they instantly become friends and even they liked coming at Nana. We all used to spend so much time with her, we were all very close to each other and the boys still are. Now, we all are grown up having no time for Nana but me and Ryan made sure to visit Nana once a year and sometimes guys would also accompany us. But what I never imagined was for us meeting her in this state.

"Are you ok, Kara," asked Siera concerned.

"I don't know Siera, I just don't want her to be like this," I said honestly.

"I understand, when my parents died I had no one but Kara you have everyone with you and I am sure Nana will be ok," said Siera a bit sadly.

"Thank you Siera," I said being grateful for what she told me and for what she is doing for all of us.

Feeling a bit suffocated I decided to go to the garden and get some fresh air.

I was sitting on grass looking at the stars when suddenly I felt someone draping their coat on my shoulder and I instantly recognised whose it was.

"Thank you Elijah," I said.

I can never forget this feeling of safety and something which I don't understand with him.

"Are you ok," he asked.

"You know me," I said.

"That's the point I know you Kara," he said.

After this we just sat there quietly watching the stars. Thinking about nothing to many things.
Author's Note:
Guys, it's my second book I request you all to give it a try.
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I don't own any photos it's from Google.
Do write your opinion to tell me & thanks for reading my work.
I won't keep it long and boring so tata

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