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Nala’s P.O.V

…. “THEY’RE HERE!” My father yelled as the front door of our house got smashed down, demons and monsters of all sorts flooded in. There were hundreds.

 “GET OUT OF HERE!”  He screamed at me. I stood, frozen, unsure that this was really happening. My exceed, Katschi, gripped onto my leg in fear and my mother had to practically drag me upstairs till I was out of my shock.

 “You must go! You’re the only one who can do this! Go back, go back to Fairy Tail and warn them!” My mother screamed as another part of the house was blown to bits. I gripped onto her in a tight embrace, feeling her body tremble. I squeezed my eyes shut to prevent the tears from falling. I shook my head, I couldn’t just leave them. They’re family, we stick together!

“No!” I cried “I’m not leaving you! I can fight! I can do this!”

She pulled away from me and held my face between her hands looking at me softly. She reached up and fixed a strand of my hair that had fallen over my face, placing it behind my ear.

“Me and your father will try and hold them off as long as possible, so that should give you enough time to get to the portal!” She replies “You’re a strong wizard Nala, You can do this. Just remember we’re always with you, okay? And don’t give up!” she gently kissed my cheek and hugged me and Katschi before stepping back with a determined look in her eyes.

“Mama..” I whisper as a tear slid down my cheek. She smiled at me before running out of the room ready to fight. I faintly heard her yell “YOU MESSED WITH THE WRONG FAMILY!!”

Which caused me to smile, I dashed around the room grabbing my things when Katschi gave me my cloak and I quickly wrapped it around myself.

“Are they going to be okay, Nala?” Katschi asked me as her big eyes filled with tears.

“Of course they are, they’re Fairy Tail wizards” I replied confidently before climbing out of the window. Katschi gripped onto my back as she spreads her wings and we flew into the night sky. I didn’t dare glance back or I would have ended up going straight back to my parents.

Suddenly there was a loud roar behind us. Katschi and I both snapped our heads towards the sound when we saw a huge black monster, it looked like a mix between a wolf and a dragon. Oh shit that things huge! Katschi seemed to think the same because she sped up until we reached the forest. She dropped me down, exhausted, so I carried her until we were in the middle of the forest, just before I took out the portal key. I shut my eyes in concentration feeling the magic race through my veins, I opened my eyes and a portal had appeared. I glanced over to Katschi who was hovering next to me.

“Ready?” I asked, she smirked at me, nodding. Just before I stepped into the portal I heard Katschi scream my name. I turned around in time to see that monster that was chasing us earlier raise its claw and slash my thigh, it was so fast I didn’t have enough time to dodge it. I yelped in agony. The impact of the hit caused me to fall, but luckily Katschi grabbed me and pulled us both into the portal before the monster could attack again. As soon as we entered the portal, it closed shut.

After that, everything went black.


Hey There! This is my first fanfic so I'm sorry if it's not that good, or it's a bit confusing right now. I promise it'll make sense soon but thank you anyway for reading and please comment I'd love to know what you guys think. :)

Fairy Tail does not belong to me, only Nala and the story plot does. Thank you.

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