Chapter 17

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With her uninjured arm, Kokoro reached up to her neck, only to feel smooth skin. Her quirk suppressor had been broken off.

"Kowareta, are you alright?" Tiger called out.

Kokoro looked up at the pro hero, who was currently fighting Magne hand to hand, a little further ahead in the clearing, Mandalay was fighting Spinner— and she thought she saw Midoriya over with her. Though it was hard to focus on what was happening exactly as she was being overwhelmed with both the pain from her injuries as well as the sudden flow of her quirk returning to her.

"I'm... fine..." Kokoro forced out, standing back up with her left arm dangling freely. She was running purely on adrenaline right now, and she knew the moment everything died down she was going to pass out so she might as well do everything she could while she was still conscious.

"The villains!" Midoriya shouted, his voice breaking through as he ran towards the forest. "I know the reason they're here. They're after Kacchan! Please you have to let the others know!"

Kokoro watched as Magne jumped away from Tiger and headed towards Midoriya, though before he could get close spinner threw a blade at her, stopping her in her tracks.

"What the hell was that for, Spinner?!" Magne asked "He was on the priority kill list!"

"Shigaraki's the one who wants him dead."

Did she hear them right, dead? They wanted to kill Midoriya? She gritted her teeth and balled her fist. First they wanted to kidnap Bakugo, and now, they're planning on killing some of the students, some of her students? Her mind flashed back to the day she was released the day she got a second chance.

"And finally, you promise to put the students life over your own if the situation calls for it? To protect them no matter what?"

Kokoro looked Nezu dead in the eyes. "Yes. If it means allowing them to live I'd gladly put my life on the line."

"If you want to get to my students you're going to have to go through me." Kokoro said, getting the villains attention. "I made a promise to put my life on the line for these kids! I'm not going to let a few minor injuries stop me from doing so!" Before anyone could act she activated her quirk and her eyes started to glow amber.

In an instant, cuts appeared on Spinner and Magne and the two of them flinched in pain.

"The hell kind of quirk do you have?" Magne called out as she placed a hand over a rather deep cut that had appeared on her arm.

Kokoro didn't answer and instead started running forwards, being fueled by anger and spite. Though as she was running Magne grabbed a hold of her and she started speeding towards the villain. Before Kokoro could do anything, the villain reached forwards and grabbed her leg, her grip tightening around it until Kokoro could hear some cracking from where she was being held, only for a second later to be dropped to the ground as Magne reached towards her one leg in pain.

"Big sis Mag, are you okay?" Spinner called out.

"How's your own medicine taste?" Kokoro asked, forcing herself up, "A leg for a leg." She widened her eyes and the amber glow got a bit brighter. She watched as Magne screamed out in pain and stepped away from her.

"You... you bitch." He said between breaths.

Kokoro's head swayed and the corners of her vision started to darken, a migraine was already starting to form. She hadn't used her quirk in two years, all the progress she had made on it when she was younger had withered away into nothing and with the way she was using her quirk now put strain on her head and eyes. She released her hold on Magne once the villain was on her knees, gasping for air.

"The hell did you do!?" Someone shouted and Kokoro looked to her left, seeing Spinner running up to her. "I don't know what the hell you just did to big sis Mag, but you'll pay for it!"

In a panic, Kokoro's eyes started glowing again and more scratched appeared on Spinner, ones deeper than the ones she had given him before. He stopped moving and placed his hand over the cuts. In his moment of confusion, Mandalay came running in and sent a solid punch to his cheek, making him fall towards the ground.

Tigers arms stretched and wrapped around Magne while Mandalay pinned Spinner to the ground and holding his arms behind his back to restrict him movement. Kokoro stayed where she was, adrenaline still pumping through her veins as she looked at the two villains.

"This is how it ends for you." Mandalay said.

"You haven't won a thing! This isn't defeat. Stain endures! Do you hear me?" Spinner cried out. "His will is alive and well right here. I embody it! I will purge you degenerate hereoes and that kid with glasses to avenge his name!"

"Shut it." Kokoro said, looking at Spinner with her eyes glowing.

"Yes." A sudden voice said, and Kokoro looked wildly around before she saw some sort of black hole with two glowing yellow eyes appear out of nowhere. "Let's move the two of you... to some place more fitting."

Kokoro looked at the villain with wide eyes, she couldn't see a body, but her quirk might still work on him. She watched as the mist wavered before turning to look towards her.

"Ah, I recognize you. Kowareta Kokoro, was it?" He asked. "The master was very interested in you a while back. You have impressive skills with your quirk. Not everyone can make illusions seem like reality."

"How did you...?"

"No matter. Magne, Spinner, it seems like you're a bit tied up, let me help you." Kokoro watched as mist appeared in midair and slowly encompassed the two villains before vanishing from sight.

Once they vanished the adrenaline Kokoro was feeling started to die down and the pain from her injuries rose up. She knew for sure her left arm had dislocated and the bone in her right leg had most likely been fractured, but from what she could tell those were the more serious injuries.

Though over all that her head was throbbing. Using her quirk like that after it being suppressed for two years really took a toll on her. Slowly she was being overwhelmed by the pain, and the shadows at the edges of her vision grew until the forest surrounding her was swallowed up by the darkness.

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