• Chapter 16 •

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"Ok so, we have to be quiet still. (Y/n) and I will get the map. B.E.N. please just wait here." Jim said.

B.E.N. saluted him, "Roger Jimmy. I'll neutralise the laser cannons, sir". He quickly ran off, singing "Yo-ho Yo-ho, a pirates life for me".

"B.E.N. that's not what he said!!" I whisper shouted.

"B.E.N. no wait! Ugh. Remind me why we keep him around again?" Jim sighed.

"Because he's our friend Jim, and he's helpful...sometimes. Anyway let's get going." I replied.

We began to walk slowly towards where I had accidentally taken Morph instead of the map. We were walking slowly and quietly, so that gave us a chance to just talk. Say something. Anything.

Before I spoke, Jim did, "So what were you actually thinking about a while ago?" He asked with a questioning look.

"What do you mean?" I asked, hoping he'd just move past it.

"Well let's be for real here, you weren't thinking of a plan." He laughed.

"What- I...was I mean I don't know." I got flustered, remembering back to what I was actually thinking about.

"Come on (Y/n). Why won't you tell me? Please?" He fake pouted. Oh and I couldn't resist, he was so cute.

"Oh for gods sake, you really want to know?" He nodded. "I was thinking about you Jim.".

He blushed. Yes. He blushed, I was usually the one always blushing. "Why were you uh thinking about me?" His attitude suddenly changed to more shy.

Was I really going to do this? Now? You're damn right I was. He asked, I didn't want to lie anymore. I took in a deep breath and let out a sigh. We stopped walking and turned to face each other.

"Jim. I was thinking about you. You're always on my mind. I-I was wondering if when you told me that you liked me too, if you meant just as a friend or I don't know...more?" I asked quietly.

He didn't say anything, He just stepped closer and closer to me. Our height difference was quite noticeable now that he was standing so near to me. We stared into each other's eyes, dead silence. His gaze moved from my eyes to my lips. He bent down slightly, slowly closing the tiny gap that was left between us.

Finally our lips met, I was shocked for a moment. He put his arms around my waist and I relaxed, kissing him back. My arms found their way around his shoulders. The butterflies in my stomach were crazy and my feelings indescribable. I felt my knees weaken beneath me but Jim was holding onto me. I was entirely right a while ago, kissing him felt...amazing.

After a moment, that I wish could've lasted forever, we pulled away from each other. I bit my lip looking up at him, we were still holding onto one another.

He smiled at me and said, "I hope that clears up the confusion."

"Yeah...I-I think that it did." I said, still a little flustered and breathing heavily. I wish we didn't have to but we did so I said, " unfortunately I think that we have to go and find that map."

We finally made it down to where I had left the map.

"There" I pointed to the pile of rope, " that's where I saw it last."

Jim bent down, "Yes!" He exclaimed, quietly of course. He pulled the map out.

"You've got it, now let's go!" I said.

Then suddenly and alarm started blaring,

"Oh no..." I whispered.

Jim looked over at me, "B.E.N....".

Jim and I started running as fast as we could to try and get to the control room.

"That stupid robots gonna get us all killed." Jim whisper yelled.

We got to the stairs and Jim stopped abruptly, I bumped into him. I looked up to see Scroop standing at the top of the stairs, menacingly. Jim and I both gasped. We turned around, and even though my legs were killing me, I ran as fast as they could take me.

Scroop was right behind us, I tried knocking over barrels and boxes to trip him but he managed to avoid every single one. Morph was able to distract him for a minute. Jim and I ran, took a sharp turn and hid behind a piece of  machinery.

Jim pulled out the gun and powered it up. "You has that the whole time??" I said.

He turned to me with his finger on his lip, gesturing for me to shut up. Scroop was edging nearer and nearer. When he was basically right beside us Jim hopped out and held the gun pointed at Scroop.

Then, all of a sudden, the power went out. Just our luck. It was most likely entirely B.E.N.'s fault. There was silence for a moment but then the emergency power came on. It was dimmer than before but at least it was something. I peeked out, but it was just Jim. Scroop had disappeared. Jim was looking around confused. That was when I saw him, he was on the ceiling coming down slowly behind Jim.

"JIM BEHIND YOU!" I jumped out from where I was hiding.

Jim turned around but, he wasn't quick enough to get away. Scroop hit Jim, knocking him to the ground and knocking the gun out of his hand. I ran over to grab the gun but suddenly the artificial gravity turned off.

"UGH B.E.N.!!!" I yelled. He needed to stop messing in the control room.

I spun myself around to see Scroop burst through one of the vents on the ceiling, when it was completely open, Jim and I started to be pulled outside. We floated outside and were floating further and further, Scroop grabbed onto one of the masts.

I was able to clutch onto the rope that the flag flew from, Jim was only able to hold onto the flag itself. I was trying really hard to stay holding on but also reach out to Jim. I just couldn't reach him. I thought I was going to lose him, he didn't look like he could hold on much longer.

Scroop was climbing up towards us. "Haha Yes!" He hissed. He was about to cut the rope with his claw.

"Jim come on! You have to take my hand! I'll grab onto the mast once I have you!" I shouted to Jim.

"(Y/n) I can't reach!" He yelled back. Ok I have to do this.

I let go of the rope slightly to let myself float a little further up the rope. I reached my hand out towards him and he grabbed onto it. I pulled him down to me and he held onto the mast, then pulled me over to it as well.

"Do say hello to Mr. Arrow." Scroop laughed, but then he looked up to see that we weren't hanging onto the rope anymore and gasped. He started to crawl up towards us.

I didn't even see how it happened but Jim somehow kicked Scroop and sent him flying towards the sky. "Tell him yourself!" Jim exclaimed.

We held onto the mast and watched as Scroop flew off into space. It was another minute or so until the gravity came back on. We dropped to the floor with a loud thud. Are my poor legs ever going to get a break?!

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