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Bandit and Jager were in the middle of a parking lot. In gear, and had guns in hand. They were with Buck and Nomad. It was pitch black and they could only hear the sounds of cars and the wind. Ash then comes on the mic "Each of you have 5 flares in your pockets, if you hear any strange sounds then light it. If it goes out because of the wind, light another one. The outbreak has gotten worse, they turned into monsters. You have to be extremely careful." She turns the mic off leaving it silent again. They heard no strange sounds. They were out there for about 3 hours until a van pulls up to the parking lot. It was Ash. "Everybody get in!" They all run over and get into the van. "There was an outbreak spotted at this parking lot 4 hours ago, we got you guys here as soon as possible. But once you arrived they were all gone. We hoped that they would come back, but they didn't." Jager shivers. They make there way back to the facility. It was an hour long car ride. Jager had a headache and it hurt. They went back into the facility, and once he arrived to there room he walks to the other bed. "I'm gonna sleep alone tonight Dom." Bandit nods and he goes to the bathroom to do his business and brush his teeth. Jager lays in bed and leaves all his gear on. He doesn't care, he just wants the pain of his headache to go away. He stays up for a few hours in silent and finally falls asleep.

The next morning Jager woke up in pain. He had no idea. He got up out of bed and ate instantly walked out. He went down to the kitchen and grabbed something to eat, then walked back up to his room. Bandit was still sound asleep. Jager only got 3 hours of sleep, and still had a huge headache. He ate, and drank lots of water. He had no idea why he felt like this, but then Ash opened there door and said "Dominic, Marius, we need you two in my office in 10." She walks out and Bandit is wide awake. He gets up and tries to hug Jager, but Jager pushes away. "I don't feel good." He nods and walks to the bathroom. He gets in his gear, and walks out to eat something. Once done, they make there way down to Ash's office. Everyone was there, they sit down and then Montagne walks in. Ash begins to speak "We are getting closer to a vaccine. It shouldn't take longer then a week or two. We are sending you guys out in groups of three to patrol the areas with outbreaks. Bandit, Jager, and Nomad. Then, Buck, Montagne, and Tachanka. You guys are going to be doing this at night, cause they are only spotted at night. Understood?" They all nod. Ash gets up and walks out with everyone else following after.

Jager, Bandit and Nomad sit in the van. It was 9 at night. They look at each other and then at the windows. The van comes to a stop and Ash signals to get out and grab there stuff. They go to the back of the van and grab there guns. They were at a deserted mall. They walked over and Ash comes on the mic. "We patrolled the area, there are people. Make your way carefully in the mall and light your flares." They walk slowly into the mall building and they all light there flares. Nomad screams as she sees huge red monsters with red spikes coming out of there skin. She starts shooting it, it then falls to the ground. She breathes heavily and keeps walking. Jager and Bandit looked like they were going to scream too, but didn't. They stayed very close to each other. Slowly walking in the mall. There was strange sounds everywhere, groans, stomps, breathing. It was scary. There flares light the mall and they didn't see anymore monsters.

They reach the end of the mall, and they only saw one monster. Nomad signals them up the stairs, and they walk up. They walk up slowly, and then all there flares went out. Leaving them in darkness.

Outbreak (Jager x Bandit) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now