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You're getting ready for a performance you're mom told you shes inviting some a friend with her family

You put that on and head down stairs

Mom:hey honey you ready
Jayce/you:yea mom
Mom: ok drive safe I'm waiting for my friend and her family ok bye honey love you drive safe
Jayce/you: bye mom love u 2 I will

You get in you're car and head to the performance you check to see if peaple have gotten here already you check and see like 234 peaple early

You go to you're manager
You/jayce: hey
Manager: hey you look good today huh so were ganna be taking pictures of the performance

You checked out to see the peaple it looked like this

Then you went to check if you're mom was here she was 
Mom:hey my boy
Jayce: hi mom
Mom : I brought my friend and her family there with you're sister and dad come on
She pulled Jayces arm and took him to them then jayce saw this cute girl she looked like 5'7 (hes tall)
They all presented thier shelfs
Charli was wearing this

Jacey and charli kept on looking at eachother and smiling

Charlie: hey I like you're outfit
Jayce:thank you I like yourse
Heidi: hey jayce you had grown up alot last time I saw you,you were such a small little innocent boy now look at you all grown up and all the girls over you
Jayce: thank you heidi
Heidi: you welcome
Dixie: hi jayce long time no see
Jayce: who are yo- ohhh Dixie from 6th grade
Dixie: yesss bro you're still ugly huh
Dixie: aaaaahh I ship you and my sister charli she was simping for u yesterday
Charli: shutupp
She said while blushing
So did you blush
Manager:come on jayce it's time
Jayce: ok bye Charlie and dixie
The damelio's and Mend's sat down
Jayce got up at the stage
Jayce: hiii everybody damn this is so much of you'll I love you'll all so much
Crowd: marry me
Crowd: aaaaaAAAAaAAaaaHHHH WE LOVE YOU 2
All the crowd was screaming

You performed this songs

You got off stage
The crowd was starting to leave
Manager:hey jayce ima send you the pictures so you can upload them on insta

Charlie: hey I love you're songs so much
Jayce: thanks you cuteness
Charlie blushed


you are the one/charli damelio/Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now