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The date was October 12th, 2020. Let's see what's going on at the Shapiro house. Grace woke up that morning and made herself some breakfast. While she was doing that, she turned on the TV and the news came on.

Interviewer Miku: Good morning, Negi Root City! I am Sydney Watkins, and thank you for tuning in. Our first top story consists of a girl named Melinda Caldera, or her module name Melancholy. Last night, she went into the forest just to get away from a storm. She has not returned.

Gothic: What?

Interviewer Miku: The police are already searching for the 18-year-old. If you have seen her, contact the NRPD immediately. Now, here's Eliza with the weather.

Grace turned down the volume on the TV.

Gothic: Melinda's either missing...or...deceased.

Her eyes widened and she wheeled her wheelchair as fast as she could.

Grace had made it to the Caldera house. Her arms were tired from all that rolling and she was also out of breath. She finally managed to knock on the door. Talia Caldera [Twinkle] answered it.

Twinkle: Oh. I thought you were Melinda.

Gothic: I wish I was. I have some news to tell you. Can I come in?

Twinkle: Sure.

Talia let the disabled Miku module in the house. Talia sat down on the couch.

Twinkle: So...Grace, was it?

Gothic: That's my name.

Twinkle: Do you know where my sister have gone?

Gothic: Well, according to the RealSyd Bulletin, Melinda's missing.

Twinkle: Missing?

Gothic: I'm not sure that's not entirely true, though.

Twinkle: What if Mel got attacked by a wolf or something? What if she got hurt? What if...

Gothic: Talia, calm down! I'm sure she's fine. She'll show up soon.

Twinkle: You're right.

Gothic: We need to get going and tell Skyler about this.

Twinkle: Why?

Gothic: After Melinda broke up with Skyler, they still remained best friends. He needs to know.

Twinkle: Okay. Just let me grab a jacket.

Gothic: Yeah. It's kinda chilly out there.

Talia was now pushing Grace towards Skyler's house. When they got there, Talia knocked on the door. Skyler opened it a minute later. Grace could tell that he did not sleep at all last night by the bags under his eyes.

Starmine: Hey, Grace. Hi, Talia.

Twinkle: Hi, Skyler.

Gothic: Can we come in for a minute? We need to talk to you.

Starmine: Okay.

The girls went in the house.

Gothic: Where are Abigail and Amanda?

Starmine: They're sleeping upstairs. So, what did you want to talk to me about?

Twinkle: Skyler, it's my sister.

Starmine: Melinda? What about her?

Gothic: Did you watch the news?

Starmine: I just woke up, so no.

Grace found the remote and turned the TV on. The RealSyd Bulletin came on.

Interviewer Miku: Here's an update on the Melinda Caldera case from our very own Rei Sousetsu.

Rei-No-Sakura Azure Snow: Beverly, Senbu, and I went up to the forest where Melinda went. All we found...was this.

He held up a white bow that has been ruined. Talia gasped.

Twinkle: That's Melinda's bow!

Starmine: Are you sure? A lot of Rin modules wear bows.

Twinkle: I'm positive.

Interviewer Miku: Thank you, Rei.

Starmine: What was she doing at the forest?

Gothic: Yeah, Talia. What WAS she doing?

Twinkle: Well, it was her turn to get groceries. And then there was that storm. We live close to the forest. She must've been heading back when the storm hit.

Starmine: Are we to assume that Melinda's...not coming back?

Gothic: I don't know.

Starmine: I just realized I haven't got the mail yet. I'll be back.

He got up and went outside.

A couple of minutes later, Skyler came back in.

Twinkle: What you got there?

Starmine: Let's see. There was one envelope in the mailbox. No address, either.

Gothic: That's weird.

Starmine: Let's see what's in this envelope.

He opened the envelope. There was a piece of paper inside. He picked it up and read it to himself.

Starmine: (with tears in his eyes) No. No no no no.

Gothic: What is it?

Starmine said nothing but handed his girlfriend the letter. Grace gasped after she read it to herself.

Twinkle: What's it say?

Gothic: It just says: "Your ex-girlfriend is mine." The mine is in red.

Twinkle: That can't be good.

Gothic: Skyler, you okay?

Starmine: I need to sit down. I feel sick.

He sat down on the couch.

Gothic: This is obviously a threat letter.

Twinkle: But who sent it?

Gothic: That's the million dollar question, Talia.

Twinkle: You going to be okay?

Starmine: Yeah. I'll be fine.

Gothic: Listen, we'll see if Ciel got any new necklaces today. If he did, that probably means Melinda's...dead.

Starmine: Alright. You girls go without me.

Twinkle: You sure?

Skyler nodded.

Gothic: Let's go, Talia. We'll come back and tell you all about it.

Skyler didn't say anything back. Grace and Talia left Skyler's house.

Since my friend's older brother killed off Melancholy, I had to do this little one-shot. I hope you guys enjoyed it and I'll see you guys soon!

Telling Twinkle And Starmine About MelancholyWhere stories live. Discover now