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Komaru's POV

I walk out the bathroom and into the living room. Where did Syo go? I look around then walk to the front of the couch. Oh, she's just laying here. "Hey Dekumaru, Who do you like more? Me or Miss doom and gloom?" She asks sitting up, "Where did that question come from?" I ask and sit next to her. I don't think I can even answer that. I mean sure she's a serial killer, but...she isn't all that bad. It just takes time and soon you get use to her. She's actually kind of a fun person to be around. Sure every now and then she'll say something rude, but I really think she she isn't all that bad. I can't say she's my favorite though...I don't have a favorite. "I like both of you." I respond as I play with her hair, I can't say I was ever scared of Syo. If you don't count the first time we met that is. "Aw come on Dekumaru, you know I'm much cooler than her!" Syo laughs, I'm not sure if Syo even likes Toko at all. "But Dekumaru, just be honest with me I can take it." She responds in a more serious tone, "I am being honest though!" I pout. I always enjoyed Syo's humor because most of the time it was something I could understand.

I like Toko because she's amazing and smart. Sure, she can be stubborn at times, but it's not like she's a jerk or anything! I like Syo because she's somehow completely different from Toko. Syo is more blunt than her and Syo actually does things that Toko doesn't like doing. It's interesting to know the both of them and see how they share the same body, but have completely different mindsets and personalities. "'re right. I don't know what kind of answer I was expecting anyways..." Syo shrugs, what does that mean? Expected? She probably means the fact she can read me like a book. No matter how hard I try, Syo is just to tough to see through. I mean if you're a serial killer you'd gotta be tough, right? "Forget I asked..." she mumbles, huh? Again, what is with the weird responses? "So now what Dekumaru? Got a day planned or something? Can't keep me bored y'know." She says while scratching the back of her head, "No not really, we just wanted to relax all day at home to day." I reply, on weekends I never did anything special or went to many places. "Alright then," Syo stood up, "I'm gonna go." Go? Go where? "Wait where?" I ask, standing up as well.

"Back to sleep." She replies while walking away. "Wait! Won't you turn back to Toko if you do that?" I ask, "What? I'm not gonna turn back. Basically it works like this, if I go unconscious like fainting or whatever then I switch. If I sneeze then I'll change back too, but I just go to sleep I won't change. Make sense?" Syo explains. It still doesn't make sense, but okay then. "Yeah..." I lie, I didn't want to waste her time if she was tired.
"Alright well, night. Or morning..?" Syo says while walking to her bedroom. I sit back down and look at the coffee table in front of the couch. I see a book that looks familiar. Wait is that..? My sketch book? How did it get here? How come I never noticed it before? I pick up the sketch book and flip through the pages. It's all of my drawings. Gross. The only reason I have a sketch book is because I was wanting to grow up to become a manga artist. I find manga so fascinating honestly. The art, the romance, the comedy, it's all amazing. I want to be able to make something like that. I can imagine it's tough, but I'm motivated to do whatever it takes! Oh, my pencil is in the book. I might as well draw something now.

Syo's POV:

I lay in bed staring at the ceiling. Is Komaru really telling the truth of like us both? I mean, come on, her best friend is a SERIAL KILLER. I don't think I will ever understand how such a kind person even exist. It's weird having someone treat me so greatly after all these years. If anyone else would've known that I'm serial killer they'd call the cops. Of course almost everybody knows, but there's no doubt somebody would still call the cops. Komaru is just so sweet it's working for her awfully well. Ugh, she gives me a headache. Though, Toko isn't the brightest from what I've heard. She doesn't even bathe, like come on really? Apparently, it's because of what I did to our body. She hates me and I hate her. Is that why? But Komaru telling me all the stuff about her...does she expect me to feel bad? How do I feel bad for someone who doesn't even do basic things like talking to people. I can't blame her though, she has horrible trama. That's the whole reason why I even exist. I still don't feel bad though, she can learn to suck it up I'm sure of it. I don't even want to go to sleep anymore. In fact, I'm even more bored than I was before. I get a little part of my hair and start tickling my nose.

Toko's POV:

What the..? Where am I? I sit upwards and look around the room. Why was I laying in bed with my glasses on? How come I'm in my bedroom? I sigh and get up from my bed. I take my laptop and get back in bed. If I'm just going to be sitting in here, I might as well get some writing done. I prefer paper, but I already wrote everything I need.

~~~A few hours later~~~

I continue typing with no hesitation. I start to go slightly faster without messing up. I hear the door open and I jump. I look up from my laptop. It's just Komaru...I thought it was mom or something...I remember when my mom would come into my room unannounced and tell me to be quiet if I was typing loud. Which still confuses me to this day. "Don't scare me like that Komaru..." I mumble, "Oh sorry Toko." Komaru apologizes. "It's fine, what's up?" I sigh, "Nothing much, I was planning on ordering pizza and wanted to know if you want a specific kind of pizza." Komaru says while swinging her arms back and forth. Now that I think about it, I can't remember the last time I ate pizza. Not that I've never eaten before it's just been so long since I've had it. "Nothing specific, you can pick. I'm not picky." I say while I go back to typing. Komaru nods then walks out the room. Really that's it? Weird, but it doesn't concern me.

I'm sorry this is a long chapter, but I might be to busy to make it short and make another one. I have a lot to do this week so that's fun ;-;. I will try to make another chapter with what time I have.

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