chapter 5: caught

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As I climbed back through the window I walked towards my bed and put my phone on the charger and decided to change into something more comfortable as I layed down not even fucin 45 minutes later my alarm went off for me to get up for school

I I literally crawled out the bed and groaned "damn it Billie"
I got up and went to my closet to find something to wear
I really hated that the weekend was over
That school is the whole definition of hell no capp
I grabbed a black hoodie and some ripped jeans and my combat boots,I changed my clothes and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and brush hair then wash my face

when I was finally ready I grab my books and my phone and I walk downstairs to see my parents sitting at the table looking at me like I had just robbed a bank or sum shit
"What??" I said as I grabbed a water bottle out the fridge

"Don't what us we seen you climb in your window last night!!!"
And with that I felt my whole face lose color and I looked at them with shock
"Heh what do you mean?"
I said shyly
"Izzy stop now and tell us were you were right now!"
I sat down in the chair beside them slowly
"I just snuck out with a friend from school"
I said convincingly
And before they could say another word I pretended to be late and ran out the door

"We're talking about this when you get home Izzy!!!"
My mother yelled behind me
I gulped as I jumped on the bus and sat down quickly

"Hey Izzy" I missed ya
Cleo said with a smile as she sat down beside me
"I've missed you too girly"
I smiled at her
"Soo you and Billie huh?"
She said with that noisy but funny look on her face
"Oh shut up Cleo"
I laughed

She rolled her eyes and laughed as we finally got to school
I jumped out and walked inside trying to stay out of sight cuz I have lotssss of bullies and enemies
Cleo did the same as we snuck to class
We both had math first as we sat in the back and I propped my feet on the desk playing around with Cleo as the teacher walked in late as usual

"Hey class so today we have lots to do including projects and an essay but first off we have a new student" I rolled my eyes
"Yay another Barbie" Cleo laughed at me
"Shhh Stoopid" we both started laughing out asses off as we both looked back up to the front of the class

"Okay come in and introduce yourself" she said as she opened the door
I was busy on my phone when Cleo started tapping me on the shoulder non stop
I looked up to see Billie standing in front of my desk

"B-Billie ?"I said surprised
"Hey mamas" she said smiling and pulled up a chair right beside me "Billie you joined our school?" I said remembering that she was homeschooled
"Yea I got bored and I missed you so here I am!"
She said as she gripped my knee and looked at me with her sea deep eyes
"That's amazing bill thanks for coming here I missed you too" I said trying to ignore the fact that Cleo was staring with her mouth hanging open like she seen a damn ghost
"I love you Izzy" she said as she grabbed and held my hand tight
"I love you too biwwie" I said like a baby as I hugged her

We started doing our project and me Cleo and Billie were partners I mean only cause Billie refused to go work with anyone else so the teacher gave up on it and let us work together

"I can't believe my best friend is dating fucin Billie eilish" Cleo said said excitingly
Billie smiled and I started to blush like a mother Fucker

When the bell rang
Billie grabbed my hand and we skipped all the way to our lockers as Cleo followed still squealing like a little highschool girl

I grabbed my books I needed for science and Billie always had her eyes on me like I would run away and it made me feel protected and I loved it "ready beautiful?"
Bill said as I closed my locker
"Yep" we walked to our next class and sat down as bill introduced herself again to the next class
"Hurry up miss eilish.." the teacher said and rolled her eyes

"Oh fuck off my tip" billie said and flipped her off and I had to stop myself from laughing
"Take a seat Ms eilish right now "
She said as she started to get agervated
"Ok" Billie said with a smile as she walked straight up to me and sat on my lap and turned toward to front of the class
"There I'm seated you may teacher Mrs teacher lady" Billie said with her resting bitch face

The teacher rolled her eyes
"I really don't get paid enough"
And started to right down our assignment on the board

{Time skip}

Me and Cleo grabbed out stuff and headed outside as Billie clung to my back like a monkey
"Fwaster mwaster!!!" She said with a baby voice which in my opinion was literally the cutest thing I put her down once we got to the bus stop she frowned "awwww rides overrr"

I smiled and held her hand as the bus came to get us
"Hey Billie wanna come over?"
I said remembering about my parents
"Hell yea!!"
We got on and we all three shared a seat and laughed about Billie shooting spit balls at Mr.lopez in history today

Once we finally got to my stop we got off the bus and started up to my house and I waved to cleo as she turned to walk to hers "okay here we are" I said as we approached my house
My parents car was here so I went ahead and grabbed Billie and walked in

"Mom! Dad!!" I yelled
"In the kitchen Izzy!"my mom yelled
I walked towards the kitchen to see my mom cooking and my dad reading a newspaper
"Hey so mom and dad this is who I snuck out with so y'all know I wasnt lieing"
Billie was kinda surprised meaning I forgot to actually tell her why I asked her to come over
"Hi nice to meet you" my mom said shaking bills hand
"Hi Mrs....Izzy's mom" she said awkwardly

I laughed
"So you and Izzy were the ones out the other night...just y'all two?" My mom said integrating her
"Haha yeah sorry if I got her in trouble"
She said shyly
"It's okay I just don't want Izzy to get hurt or anything you know?"
My mom said as she stirred the food
"Yes ma'am I understand"

I grabbed Billie's hand and we went upstairs to chill
"Nice room princess"
Billie said as she kissed me
"Thanks" I smiled and turned on Netflix
We cuddled and watched movies all night and she texted her parents to tell them that she was staying the night

We fell asleep in eachothers arms and she big spooned me as I slept in her hoodie

We fell asleep in eachothers arms and she big spooned me as I slept in her hoodie

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I never felt more safe


ILY guys
This took a damn minute lmao
Hope your enjoying this so far
{1264 words}

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