Trial and Judgement

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(I'm too lazy to write the Investigation)

As Makoto went around gathering evidence to clear his name, slowly started to piece together what Sayaka was trying to do. Hopefully his other side could come a conclusion that would keep them alive.

         The students stood in a tense silence as the elevator descended into the depths of the school, the brunette stood in the middle of the elevator, a little nervous if he could state his case clearly. The elevator came to a stop the door opening to a trial room, monokuma popped up and told everyone to go to the stand with their name's engraved on it.

As the small brunette walked over to his podium he noticed how it was engraved Makoto and Naegi, the brunette frowned. Why would they be written as if they were separate names?

"Pardon my question but what is that?" Celeste questioned.

"Well poor Sayaka shouldn't be left out of trial just because she's dead!" Monokuma said. ( I forgot to kill "Junko" oh well guess she's staying)

  "Why are there 16 stands and there is was only 15 of us?" Kirigiri asked.

   "oh nothing, really just the fact that our trail grounds here can hold 16 people." Monokuma responded.

   "Now that everyone is here let's start with a basic explanation of the class trial, in a class trial the innocent is to find who the blackened is. The blackened is determined by popular vote, if you guessed correctly only the blacked is punished but if you get the wrong choice. Everyone besides the blackened will be punished!" Monokuma laughed.

  " so where should we start?" Makoto questioned.

  "W-we already-y k-know who did it!" Toko yelled.

"Oh really? How boring." Monokuma frowned.

"It w-was M-makoto h-he killed sayaka!" Toko fought, "he c-cornered her in the bathroom a-and killed h-her."

  " I don't think that's likely."Kyoko interjected. " there is an absence of something that should be there, especially for someone who's been in the room for three days."

   "Oh and what would that be?" 'Junko' asked.
"Makoto do you know what I'm talking about?" Kirigiri quizzed.

  "You mean the absence of hair, right?" Makoto said, unfazed that he was the main suspect.

   "What does that prove?" Hina questioned, "he probably cleaned it up to hide evidence."

   "The murder was in the same room her body was, which happens to be the same room I am staying in, why would I need to get rid of my hair on the floor."

Makoto stated coldly, 'that would be a stupid move.'

   Hina seemed to freeze at the sudden change in Neagi's tone.

   Kirigiri continued talking.
   "It was as if the killer was trying to hide that fact that they had ever been there, if the killer was Makoto why would he need to erase the fact that he was in his room."

   While they were discussing the murder weapon

   "I bet the knife was hidden in one of the drawers." Hiro accused

  ' Well it's a good thing he hasn't opened them, it's such a nice collection of knives in there.'

   "Ah that's right, I never asked you what was in those drawers, why don't you tell us Neagi?" Byakuya proposed.

  "I bet Mr.Naegi hid a knife in one of the locked drawers and then killed ms Sayaka." The manga artists stated.

   "Wait for Naegi, why do your drawers have locks?" Taka questioned, " locked drawers were not included in any other of the students' rooms."

   "Oh really, I didn't know I thought everyone had lockable drawers, I guess I'm just lucky then."
Makoto said, arm to the back of his neck.

   "That's highly a possibility considering your talent is luck. Then you won't have a problem with telling us what is in those drawers." Kirigiri announced.

   "Well the truth is, I never opened them. I didn't want to know what could be in there." Naegi awnsered, but for some reason he felt guilty but what for?

' Naegi they already killed themselves thinking we're the culprit, I don't what's wrong lying to dead people.'


  "Huh! Oh sorry, what were we talking about?" Naegi asked.

"Dude you need to stop spacing out on us." Hiro inputted, "it's like you don't know what's going on!"

Naegi's face seemed to panic a second and then responded quickly, "sorry I was just deep in thought...silly me..heh." He glanced down at the notebook in his hands, it was true. He had no idea where they came from, even the handwriting was neater than his own.

  "If you never looked in the drawers, why did you need to remove the key from your key ring before giving it to Sayaka?"
(I'm gonna show some of Naegi's thoughts but unfortunately the two can't interact)

' What do I say now?!? I didn't even know there was another key until Sayaka said something?'

' Well we're all gonna die, yay time to die.'

' How do I move the topic in a way that isn't completely obvious?'

  "I'm getting bored with this hurry up and find the culprit, you can question the boy after the trial."
Monokuma then interrupted.

  'Thank Sweet atua for that!' Naegi celebrated

' shut up and focus on the trail, you marshmallow!'

  The rest of the trial was a blur for Neagi it happened so fast, that when Leon's execution started. The small brunette kept a straight face, or well tried to.

  "W-well t-that was terrifying,w-we should probably g-get going." Neagi stuttered.

  As he turned toward the elevator door, Kirigiri stepped towards him.

Kirigiri's POV

During the trial, Makoto seemed to space out and then freak out when hiro said it was like he wasn't aware of what was going on. Aside from solving the mystery of the school Neagi's strange behavior was something I should look into.

          All of the students were heading back to their rooms, as I sat in my room I also came to think how upset Junko looked when monokuma cut off her speech in the meeting at the gym. Almost as sad as an actor not being able to play her role, strange indeed.

' Junko' POV

I didn't understand why Junko cut off the lines she told me to say, was I not acting enough like her or did I not say it right.

Strangely enough, she never told me how to act after that part.

Then as I was thinking it over.....Junko was trying to kill me?!

So now comes the question do I still act like her or tell them who I am? Would I want them to figure it out on their own? That sounds better, I can't die for their sake, after all, I do know the whole truth.  I took off the Junko wig with disgust and locked the door as I lay down to go to sleep.

  It was going to be a long killing game.

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