Chapter 9

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(Authors note aHA! Another poorly written chapter! Idk, guess i'm just not in the writing mood where I actually write well? Hope it passes soon, just bear with me.)  

Lilith shook her head. If there was a time to bring up not so awesome memories, now sure as hell wasn't the time for that. 

      "So we are an experiment." She shook her head again to clear her thoughts, but that only worsened the headache currently going on a rampage in her head.

     "An experiment gone wrong." Ares corrected.

     Silence took over as each person took a moment to register what was just said. Everyone had suspected it, but actually hearing that they were an experiment didn't come any easier to bear. But something didn't sit right. Something was off, didn't add up. Ares was the first to figure it out.

     "...What about Chase?"

     They all looked at Ares with a questioning look.

     "The book talked about the six of us, but Chase makes 7. Why isn't he, or why he "disappears" for no reason mentioned?"

     "...They did mention it."

     "And you were gonna tell us....?" Valorie questioned.

     "Sorry, I'm a little scatter brained right now. Anyways...," Jaxson took in a deep breath.

     "Chase was also an experiment, but Jericho didn't say what he was part of, or at least, the specifics." He flipped a couple pages back, briefly reading over the entries.

     "This experiment was with another branch of the secret government or whatever the hell it is. The only thing that's said about that one, is that they were trying to alter his genes, or genetic make up, or something like that. In the words of Jericho, "From what I got, it sounds like one of those stereotypical experiments you'd hear about in sci-fi movies."

     Anger started boiling up inside Lilith. Was that all they were? An experiment? They were torn from their families for no good fucking reason, not to mention what Chase might have gone through.

     Lilith turned on her heel and stomped up the stairs.

     "Where are you going?" Ares asked, tiredly.

     " Away." Lilith hissed. "I need some time to think..."

-----2 hours later-----

      Lilith entered the kitchen. It had been 2 hours, yet ager still ate at her. She passed the bar where Clarence sat reading a book, and opened the fridge to reach for a coke zero. Clarence made a noise that Lilith interpreted as him trying to catch her attention.

     "What." Lilith hissed with more force than she had intended. All the excitement and new info from today wore Lilith down, making her irritable. She wasn't mad at anyone, though. She was just tired.    

     Clarence drew back slightly. Lilith could tell he was irritated too. He looked up from his book.

     "What are you mad at me for this time?"  

     "There you go again, assuming that every time I'm in your general area and not happy go lucky, I'm mad at you." she muttered. If he was going to be like that, Lilith was going to bite back.

     "I don't always assume. What the hell are you talking about?"

    "Oh, gee, I don't know! I mean, you sure always seem to try and distance yourself from me even more whenever I even SEEM like I'm not happy." 

     "What? I try to not make things WORSE, but I don't distance myself from you. And I don't know where your getting "even more" from."

     "I'm getting it from the fact that ever since I came around, you've always been hesitant to be near me. THAT'S where."

    "I-I.. No! That's not true at all!"

     "So it's not true that you don't want me around? And that you love my EVERY contribution to the group?"

     "I-I-I... N-No...!" His stuttering answered her question. 

     "Then If you REALLY feel that way, why don't you ever try to involve yourself more? Like the LOGICAL thing to do?!"

     "Because I've tried to? And EVERY. DAMN. TIME I try to involve myself, it's met with hesitancy, skepticism, and I've been pushed away! You really think I don't try to be better?!" Tears started forming in her eyes.

     "I have tried! But I stopped because it was getting me NOWHERE! Absolutely NOWHERE!"

     "Look, I've tried to help you, but I have other things to worry about! And with all the new shit that's popped up today, don't you think we're ALL a little stressed?!" Clarence spat.

     "Then why assume that I'm always mad at YOU, ESPECIALLY today if "we're all a little stressed"?! 

     "B-Because you never talk to us? You've gone and hid in your room whenever something goes wrong! Y-You... you shut us out! If you're trying to be better, why don't you talk to us?!"

     Lilith's words caught in her throat. She never talked to him because she was scared of him. She was scared of everyone. But how could she tell him that? Surely he... no, they would turn it against her some how? Lilith couldn't hold back her emotions anymore, and tears started to spill over.

     "I've tried again and again, b-but.. but..." Her words were dissolving as she spoke.

     "You know what? It doesn't matter." Clarence turned and headed for the door, but paused.

     She needed to get out of here. Lilith need fresh air, and to get away from people. She slammed down the can in her hand and walked out of the room and into the entry way. Valorie and Nathan were in the doorway to the office, who's faces dropped when they saw Lilith's state.

     "Lilith! What happened?!" 

     Valorie tried to grab Lilith's arm, but Lilith twisted her way out of Valorie's grasp. She burst through the door, making sure it closed behind her, and hurriedly made her way into the forest. If anyone was following her, she wanted to lose them quickly. Once beyond the tree line, her speed walk became a sprint. The trees blurred as they flew past her, tears trailing behind her just as fast. Of course, getting to where one wants to be so quickly comes with consequence, especially if you don't pay attention to your footing. Lilith's ankle rolled, bringing her down with force. She grabbed at the branch of a near by tree, which her hand missed, but not her sleeve. A loud crack sounded out as she hit the ground, which Lilith could only assume was a bad sign, until the tree branch hit her nose, causing her to flip over an curl up in pain. She let out a long groan, tears and blood creating a growing puddle underneath her head. Pain swirled in every bit of Lilith's body, weighing her down from getting up. Finally, she pushed herself up onto her elbows and looked up, only to be met with glowing, red eyes.




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