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I nodded, amazed again at him guessing my thoughts.

His chest rose and fell in a huge sigh. "She left soon after Gabby was born."

I gasped. Then feeling bad, I covered my mouth with my hand. "That's... wow, I'm so sorry to hear that."

He nodded. "Thanks. She just... she just didn't have any maternal feelings."

My mind whirled. But wasn't it just post-partum? Surely, she would change her mind once all her hormones settled down. I couldn't remember how long that took really.

He continued, "I know you're probably thinking post-partum depression. But it was more than that."

I stared at him, still not sure what to say in an effort to not sound too curious. This conversation had taken a seriously intense turn with both of us discussing our previous partners so quickly.

But life could be cruel. And apparently, we had both experienced some awful events in the years since high school.

"This might be TMI," he said. "But I've known you since I was fourteen, right?"

"True." I smiled, remembering freshman year when I had first seen him in our English Honors class.

He looked out the window. "So I didn't get married till a few years ago." Then his eyes turned to me again. "I really wanted a wife and a family, and I just got tired of waiting, you know?"

I nodded.

"But I picked the wrong person..."

I couldn't believe he was confiding in me like this. "I'm so sorry to hear that."

"Thank you." His smile was sad, making me wish I could hug him. "In the end, we just weren't meant to be, unfortunately, and having a child just made things worse."

"That... I don't know what to say really," I admitted. "Just I'm sorry that happened to you."

"Thanks. I truly appreciate that." He smiled softly. "But it's not all doom and gloom. I have amazing parents who help me out and take care of my baby girl, especially since work is so busy."

"It's so nice to have parents like that. I have that too. Thank God."

He nodded. "Definitely. Glad you have that too."

There was a moment of hesitation, and I was dying to know what he did for a living, even though I already had a feeling. "So, Alex, let me guess... you said you work a lot. I would bet the farm that you're a doctor."

He busted out laughing. Once he was done, his eyes met mine. "What makes you say that?"

"I don't know. Maybe the fact that you were incredibly smart and got into Harvard."

He shook his head. "Well, yeah, you guessed it. But can you guess what kind of doctor?"

"Hmmm, let me think. Gynecologist?"

He laughed again, this time even louder. "Nope. Good guess though. I'm actually an orthopedic surgeon."

"Oh, wow. Okay. That's pretty amazing."

He shrugged. "Just lots and lots of school."

"I'm sure you're being modest."

Smiling, he asked, "What about you? What keeps you busy besides being the amazing mother I know you are?"

Oh, this man. He was smooth. I realized I needed to watch my heart around him or I'd completely lose it... again.

"I'm a writer," I finally said.

His eyebrows shot up. "Really? What kind of writer?"

"I write young adult fiction."

"No way. That's amazing, Jayda."

The way he said my name set off flutters deep in my belly. "Thanks. That's why I'm here actually."

"What do you mean?"

"For a writers' conference at the Marriott."

As if on cue, the young girl from behind the counter came over to our table.

"Ms. Jenkins, I'm so sorry to bother you again. But can I get a picture with you?"

I laughed to hide my embarrassment. "Sure."

She leaned down next to me and aimed her phone at our smiling faces.

"Thank you so much," she said, dancing away. "I can't wait to show my friends."

Alex stared at me, shaking his head. "I always knew you'd do something incredible."

I felt my cheeks flush. "Nah, not really. What you're doing is incredible, helping people, fixing people."

His eyes on me were intense. "But you've created something that apparently people adore. What's your book called?"

Why, oh, why did he want to know that? "Um..."

"Come on. Please tell me."

And he flashed that sexy damn smile, making those butterflies flutter around. How could I resist that?

"Well, it's a series, actually, called Chassidy Rising, about a teen girl finding her powers. I just wrote the fourth one. And the next one will be the last."

"So you're like the new J. K. Rowling."

I couldn't help but laugh. "No. Not even close. But I do all right."

His eyes narrowed. "Okay. So Chassidy Rising. Chassidy Rising. I've got to remember that."

"Please don't."

"Chassidy Rising. Chassidy Rising," he repeated, a light in his eyes that took me all the way back to high school trig when he sat next to me and used to make me giggle with his teasing.

"You really haven't changed. Still love to annoy me."

"Always," he said, his eyes staring into mine and something in his voice sending shivers down my spine.

His phone buzzed, breaking the spell that had descended on us. And I was glad. It was too intense. Being around him was too intense. Everything felt magnified. Everything somehow felt more significant.

"Oh, man, I hate to do this, but I have to run. I'm actually on the reunion committee, and I'm supposed to check out the space right now and make sure everything looks okay for tonight."

"No problem."

We both stood up and started for the door. Once we tossed our trash out, he turned to me. "You're at the Marriott next door, right?"


"I'll pick you up in the lobby at six-thirty then. All right?"

I nodded and gulped as I turned to go. This was really happening.

"Oh, and Jayda?"

I looked over my shoulder at him. "Yeah?"

"I'm going to read your book today."

He winked at me and walked away, leaving me stunned. Alex Hernandez was going to read my book? About a teenage girl?

I didn't know what to make of that. Was he teasing me again? Or was he serious?

Damn, this guy still did things to me... after all these years.


A/N Thanks for checking out the sample of Twenty Years Later which is now available on Amazon Kindle Unlimited! And thanks again for supporting my dreams!

Jenna xoxo

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