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"So you're meaning to tell me that you haven't got the paperwork filled out yet? Come on Gavin, you know you're the only one I can count on to get that sent out on time!" I huff out, looking at the man in the suit, sitting in front of my desk.

Gavin was my right hand man. One of the only people I could truely count on is this whole fucking building.

"I know Harry, trust me, I'll have it sent out in the next two days, tops," Gavin flashes me a smile and stands up from his seat, "You know I always make it happen man. I've just been so caught up these past few weeks with all the prints we got in, but I swear I'll get it out."

I breathe out a sigh of relief.

"No worries Gavin, I know you'll get it out on time," I sigh, fiddling with my cufflinks.

I never thought I'd be here, running my own publishing business. All through highschool, I figured I would end up doing nothing with my life. Partying it away with my best mates, drinking until sun up, and sleeping the day away until it was time to do it all over again.

That is until I took an interest in business. I had always loved English, it was a secret passion of mine. Reading, and rereading books, annotating them, pulling the lines apart peice by peice to find the lines between the lines. My friends back home would have never let me live that down.

I'm incredibly lucky I was able to build this up so quickly. For a 26 year old, I'm really living the dream.

Rich and successful. 

Gavin walks out of my office with a nod of his head, and closes the glass door. I sigh out in frustration, and close my eyes, leaning my head back against my chair.

I rub my temples, praying for the clock to move a little faster so I can get the hell out of here and go for a drink.

I turn my chair around, and look out of the glass wall, seeing the sun dipping below the Boston skyline. It's almost time for me to pack up until Tuesday morning.

I love my job, I really do. How could I not? Im living every man's dream. But I've grown distant, and cold. I barely call my mum anymore, or anyone for that matter. I spend my days around so many people, I can hardly look at anyone once I leave the building. I barely have tolerance for my employees at this point, but I know as the CEO of my own company, I have to try my best to push down my annoyance at all costs. I can't have a bad rep attached to my name.

Once the clock hits 7:00, I start packing my things up, ready to go hit the bar before I head home. This has become a  ritual for me. Most days I go home and have a drink by myself, but on Saturday nights, I allow myself to go out. To feel normal again. To feel like I did back at home.

Except now I'm in a different country, and I don't drink with anyone. I sit at the bar and drink by myself, letting the sound of all the young college kids drown out my thoughts for a while.

I remember being like them. I remember feeling the freedom of going out, and staying up until you're almost passing out standing up. The feeling of drinking until your entire body feels on fire. The feeling of not having to care, because the next day, you could just skip your 9:00 AM class.

Now I just drink to forget I'm angry with the world. I drink to forget how tired I am half the time. I drink to forget the constant comotion of being in charge of over 200 people.

Once I reach the ground floor, I walk out of the giant glass doors and to my car.

"I trust you had a good day at work?"

Scott. As crazy as it sounds, he brings some sort of normalcy to my life, even though I pay him money to drive me around and help me out with my day to day.

"Everyday is the same, Scott," I joke as I climb into the backseat of the car, "How about I ask you about your day for once, huh?"

Scott laughs as he climbs into the driver's seat, adjusting his mirror so he can see me, "Everyday is the same, Harry."

I gape at his words, "You mean to tell me you hate hanging around me all the time? Maybe I should fire you," I shake my head, knowing there would be no way in hell I could survive without Scott being around to help me out.

Most people assume that because I have hired help, thats all they are. Scott is as close to a friend as I could get. He's someone I would have been friends with back at home.

"Alright Harry, I know it's a Saturday night, so what place are we headed to?" He asks.

I think about it for a moment. I usually don't go to the same bar every weekend, I like to mix it up. As I contemplate, Scott pulls onto the road, "You're taking to long to pick, so I'm just going to pick for you," Scott says, driving away from H.S Publishing.

I throw my hands up, not arguing. If it's one less decision I have to make, even if it's as small as picking a bar, I'm okay with that.

The drive doesn't take long, and Scott parks in front of a place I've never been to. Heat.

"Scott, I don't want to be the barer of bad news, however I think this is more of a nightclub, and not a bar," I say, taking off my sports coat, and removing my tie.

"Yeah, I know where we are. I drove, remember? I think you need to go let loose for a bit. Going to all those stuffy bars is only going to make you hate the world more. Go act your age for once," he says and I can see him smirk.

"Remember, you work for me. You aren't my life coach," I joke.

I unbutton the two top buttons of my white shirt. Scott is right though. It would be a new enviorment, even if I still just sit at the bar and drink the night away.

Scott and I exchange a few words, and I let him know a time to be back here.

I have a strange feeling as I walk through the doors. It's not as crowded as I thought it would be, but it's definitely a different scene than I'm used to. Back home, this would be my kind of place, but I'm already partially annoyed by all the dancing people and strobe lights.

I make my way to the bar, and thankfully most people are getting their drinks and going back to dance.

"What can I get for you tonight?" A cheery blonde man asks me, as he pours a few shots for a girl down the bar.

"Just get me a whiskey, on the rocks. Thanks," I nod at him as he starts making my drink.

Once I get my drink, I practically down it, and the bartender eyes me with a smile, making another glass.

Just as I'm about to reach for it, I'm bumped into from the side.

"Hey, can you fucking watch it, I'm-" I stop mid-sentence as I look up to a woman with wide green eyes. Shes starts apologizing as quickly as she can, but I shake my head slowly, captivated by her.

Who is she?


And they meet! I can't wait to continue writing. Im taking you guys on a wild ride ;)

Chapter song:  Here- Alessia Cara

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