Chapter 1

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In a fully crowded place where the great singer Ed Sheeran was going to sing, worked a normal girl from London UK called Asterix Maxwell. She was a tall fair and brown haired girl with no interest whatsoever in adult stuff. Rightly too, because she was just 15 years old.

She worked as a waitress in a private hotel where huge pop stars came to sing, and eat. She had seen many of them and today was one of those days Ed Sheeran came to perform.

She liked Ed Sheeran and his singing. So she put on her waitress clothes and made her way to the backstage to check out the sound system. Just then, her boss got a call from someone.
" Hello!? Yes this is Murray the manager of Pop hotel. Oh ok I see. It's sad though. I hope Ed sir is alright now. Yes we have to continue the show. Thousands have gathered tonight to see him. Oh okay I will see if anyone will substitute for him. Ok thanks sir. Good night."

Asterix gasped. What had happened to her hero Ed Sheeran? She was relieved however when her boss informed that it was just a minor car accident. Ed Sheeran was unconscious in the hospital due to the shock.
" Oh Asterix, what am I to do now? I have to continue the show without him and we need a replacement, fast! Anyway he had to perform only two of his songs, Shape of you and Beautiful people. I wonder who could replace him!"

He spoke to her worried. Asterix was only a waitress but she also was a right hand to Murray as he was already 68 years old. Asterix nodded understanding his worry. Murray was staring at her deeply thinking when suddenly his eyes lit up. He was looking at Asterix in a hopeful way. But Asterix was confused. Why was he looking at her??

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