Love Was Born

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"Just one more Al, i have to depart tomorrow to Germany". Said husk. Husk and alastor were at the bar drinking before husker had to be departed for war over seas. Husk had to do some job that was secret in Germany. "No my good friend, i must go home its far too late out". Said alastor smiling. "Eh whatever, you'll just be bad luck for my card game anyways". "Husk my friend you have a gambling problem". "Whatever". Alastor was heading out but he wasnt going home. No one knew that this simple radio talk show host had a dark secret. There was a series of murders going around Louisiana and none were solved. He had made sure of it. He suddenly heard a scream he had yet to cause. He peeked around the alley to see a man about to stab a woman. He wouldve normally turned around but the man claimed he was the cause of the murders he did. He got angry and stabbed the man in the neck. The woman was frightened. He wouldve already made her into his next bloody meal but something about her was alluring to him. She was very enticing and beautiful to him. He walked up to the woman and extended his hand and said "dont be scared my dear, its ok, i wont hurt you". She took his hand and quickly fell in his arms and collapsed. He was stunned a bit for a woman besides his own mother had never touched him in any affectionate way. He picked her up and carried her to his house. He layed her down on his bed, he didnt need to sleep, he would call in tomorrow and tell his boss that he was sick. He would care for this woman, he didnt know why he was feeling these emotions but he knew he had to protect her. He lightly caressed her cheek noticing a chill. He covered her up with a blanket and put logs into the fireplace lighting it. He watched her all night as she slept, she was like a hurt little baby deer helpless, pathetic, but gracful with her pose and beauty even as she slept, yes, he was captivated, she is now his to keep, the world gave her to him and nothing or no one would convince him otherwise. He smiled and whispered "sleep well, my deer".

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