We got at my home. Jackson was flirting with Kaitlyn.
Y/n "Jackson just ask her and stop flirting al the time"Jackson "You and Payton are flirting al the time too and actually I love you more then her"
Y/n "Yea, but he's my boyfriend and you know that you are hurting her feeling right now"
Jackson "I'm so sorry Kaitlyn"
Kaitlyn didn't said anything back
Payton putted his arm around me. I putted he's arm off me and I ranned to my room. Payton followed me. I layed on my bed and Payton layed next to me.
Payton "Why are you running away?"
Y/n "Because I wanted to"
Y/n "And it's just I want to go to the US so bad but I just can't because I can't buy a ticket, my parents will never agree and it just will never happen"
Payton "You will go one day"
Y/n "No that's never going to happen"
Payton "Just believe me baby"
Y/n "Ok then"
It was 11am. Payton and I were laying in my bed. After 10 minutes Payton stoud up.
Y/n "Where are you going?"
Payton "I'm going to Jackson"
Y/n "Ow ok then I'm going to Kaitlyn"
I got to Kaitlyn. She was in the garage.
Kaitlyn "Hey" Hey
Y/n "Hey, is er iets?" Hey, there somthing wrong?
Kaitlyn "Nee, Jackson heeft me gewoon verlaten en jij heeft me pijn gedaan" No, Jackson just left me and he hurts me
Y/n "Kweet et. Payton heeft me ook verlaten. Hij zei dat hij naar Jackson ging. Ik weet nie waarom" I know. Payton left me too. He said he was going to Jackson. I don't know why
Kaitlyn "Ik wil echt zo graag met Jackson samen zijn" I want to be so bad with Jackson
Y/n "Kweet et maar ik weet iets over Jackson dat jij niet weet" I know something about Jackson that you don't know
Kaitlyn "Please zeg et" Please say it
Y/n "Jackson is verliefd op iemand anders dan mij. Maar jij is het meeste op mij. Ik weet wie maar kmag et nie zeggen sorry" Jackson is in love with somebody else then me. But he still is the most in love with me. I know who but I can't say it sorry
Kaitlyn "Ow ok. Maar kan je me wel tips geven" Ow ok. But can you give me tips
Y/n "Ok dan, ga jij vragen stellen?" Ok then, are you gonna ask questions?
Kaitlyn "Ok" Ok
Kaitlyn "Hoe oud is ze" How old is she
Y/n "13" 13
Kaitlyn "Ken ik haar?" Do I know her?
Y/n "Ja heel goed zelf" Yea very good
Kaitlyn "Ow" Ow
Y/n "Het is niet zo erg" It's not that bad
Kaitlyn "Jawel want het is iemand anders dan ik" Yes it is because it is somebody else then me
Love at First Sight
FanfictionSo basically the story is about y/n who was on Omegle and she met Payton Moormeier and Jackson felt. If you want to know the rest of the story you have to read it.