Chapter 1

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"Awww Mum its beautiful: thank you," you said ruffling Sammy's fur he barked approvingly.

You took the box that was nestled in your hands a diamond pendant within it and placed it to the side with the other presents you had piled there.

"Okay Mum, Dad this one is a joined present for the both of you," your Mum and Dad gave you quizzical looks and took the neatly wrapped box from your hand you was quite proud of your wrapping skills this year, you had actually taken the time to fold over all the raw edges and tie pretty bows on top.

"Well you sure did wrap it well _____," your Dad said as your Mum attacked your perfect wrapping. The golden glittered paper was cast aside and the emerald bow thrown amongst it.

Wow Loki really had consumed your brain you thought as you watched your parents faces light up.

"Oh sweetheart its fantastic," your Mum said throwing her arms around you and kissing your cheek, this gave opportunity for your Dad to take a look in the box.

"Oh that is great ____," he chuckled and continued, "your Mum broke my other one."

"Our other one," she corrected knocking him on the shoulder she opened the box to reveal a new tablet. Your Mum had broken the last one they had and it meant that you had had no Skype calls since you'd met Loki you missed seeing their faces and getting together on Christmas was always the best time of the year.

"Now Miss do you suppose you tell me how you paid for this? You don't even have a bloody job!" Your Mum said crossing her arms.

"Oh leave her alone love," your Dad said he was always the more laid back one in the family just like your brother.

Speaking of your brother as if by magic he reappeared in the room his stunning fiancé on his arm, he had broke the news to you all earlier that day, but it wasn't a surprise him and Lilly had been together a long time and you loved her like a sister, the proposal wasn't at all daunting more exciting.

"Sooooo...." your brother drew out coming to sit next to you, "sis" he said putting his arm around you playfully, "you got a man yet?"

Your Mum began to fuss in the corner of your vision but you was caught off gaurd for the moment. You had promised yourself you wouldn't tell them about Loki, you wasn't sure how they would take to you dating a mass murderer, you cleared your throat at the thought, you wasn't to think like that!

Your face became flushed, "oh leave the girl alone, she can take as long as she wants to find the one she loves, unfortunately I had to settle with you," Lilly teased your brother who imediately left your side to sit with her, he whispered something in her ear which set your brain off once more, remembering the times Loki had done the same to you.

"No, actually I am..." you said, it wasn't fair to keep them in the dark totally but partially wouldn't hurt, "I am seeing someone," you smiled directly at your Mum who seemed awestruck.

"I bloody knew it, if he tries anything with you ____ if he breaks my daughters heart, I'll break his face!" Your Dad practically shouted. You laughed at the thought of Loki being beat up by your Dad, somehow you didn't think it would work in his favour.

"Dad!" Your almost threw a mild strop like when you was a teenager in this very house.

"I'm just saying..." he got cut off by your Mum slapping him on the shoulder this time.

"Well quit saying," she shushed him and then spoke once more, "so love when we going to meet him..."

"Mum! You're just as bad," you chuckled lightening the mood, "I'm sure you can meet him soon, I will discuss it with him, I don't know when I'll see him, I assume when I get back to As..." you stopped yourself before your parents carted you off to the mental asylum.

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