A Gift to The Readers

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AUTHOR'S NOTES: Surprise! This is a little gift for you guys who supported this oneshot wholeheartedly. I know that we are all left broken with how the story went/ended, so let me make it up to you. 😉 Enjoy!

Dear Hyuka,
If you're reading this, I've probably be gone by now. For that, I want to apologise.
For the past three months, I was given a life, a name, and even a chance to experience genuine love. It made me so happy that I became afraid, afraid to see you suffer because of me. I was selfish for not telling you about the limit but what can I do? I just love you so much that I decided to suffer alone.
You may hate me or find a new lover that you would treasure but please, wait for the next snow before you do so. It's selfish but, we promised that we're going to see it together. Do me this before before you let me go.
Thank you for loving me until the end. I sincerely hope for you to find someone suitable and much better than me. I love you.


Kai grasped the letter and embraced it. No matter how many times he had read it over the past months, it still makes him cry. He lost his only love without knowing. He hated Taehyun for that. If he was only open about it, then Kai would have showered with more love before he disappeared. Now, he was only left with a broken heart full of regrets. He put on his coat and slowly went to the convenient store. He let his mind wander and reminisce every moment he had with Taehyun and all the things and efforts he had done to find the app again. After buying what he needed, he sat at the bench under the tree where he and Taehyun shared their first kiss. Tears flowed once again from his eyes, making his sight blurry. "Stupid. I really should get over with it now. He is an android. I should have known better." He wiped his tears away and stared on the ground. Finally, small flakes of snow gently fall from the sky. "Ah, are you seeing this, Taehyun? Our 'second' first snow ..." He choked on his tears. "But not together." He stood and prepared himself to leave, both the place and his feelings for Taehyun. Maybe it really is the time for him to move on.

He was already across the street when he decided to give the tree a final glance. The tree was now covered in white snow. His eyes traveled to the bench, there he saw a young man staring back at him with his big doe eyes brimming with tears. The wind blew the other's red locks away from his face. Kai felt his chest tighten, "Taehyun."

Limit (TYUNNING/HUEKANG ONESHOT)Where stories live. Discover now