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I couldn't comprehend what I was seeing, the shock and overwhelmed feeling was replaced by hot rage slowly consuming me, I thrashed furiously in Carlos' grip, never breaking eye contact with Ajay as he slowly stood up with his hands raised.

"Fuck you!" I screamed in the most hatred tone I could master, looking deep into Ajay's blue orbs, why is it that everywhere I went he was always there, I couldn't stand the sight of him anymore that I forgot the mere presence of a six-feet giant, keeping me restrained against him.

My anger was directed at the brick wall in front of me but his gaze was too focused on Ajay as if he was analysing him, shifting back to me he gritted his teeth while pushing me against the wall behind us, catching me in his arms as though I was a trapped bird.

"Will you calm the fuck down, god damn." He cursed out while closing his eyes, shielding my view from the hazel colour of his eyes, I gave him a shove knowing he wouldn't budge.

"Calm down? You must be crazy, I will not calm the fuck down, not when I have no idea where I am not to mention you abducted me and my sister then abducted my sister again in front of my very eyes, so tell me to calm down one more time and I will go bat shit crazy on you!" I said all in one breath while giving him a silent promise.

He opened his eyes, looking at me, the frustration replaced by amusement as he took in my heated stare, and rapid breaths.

"I didn't like the idea of Sam bringing in you random motherfuckers, but now, I don't think its such a bad idea," 

He moved away from me, leaning against the wall besides me and just stared at me while crossing his arms against his chest, I was small compared to his large frame and he knew that, giving me the illusion that I wasn't trapped when I was very much in fact trapped, knowing there was no where to go I clenched my fists, staying put.

"Take me back, I don't want to be here."

"No ones stopping you," he titled his head with a smile, while pointing at the exit.

Not bothering to fight him anymore, I rolled my eyes, purposefully bumping shoulders with him as I walked past, I could feel his heated stare on my ass but ignored it making my way towards the exit which he so nicely pointed out. Pushing open the glass doors I let the warm air slap me in the face and was yet again dumbfounded by the view in front of me.

It was so much more different to Haven, some buildings were destroyed, crumbled to the ground, there was dust mingling in the air and the condition of the place wasn't well maintained, it looked more abandoned and deserted you'd think no one lived here. I turned around.

"How do you live here?" I said with wide eyes, turning back around to consume my surrounding, it was as though a tornado hit this area leaving nothing but destruction in its path.

"Wouldn't you like to know," Carlos snarled.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, we don't need your pity especially people like you is what I mean, now get lost." He spoke, brushing past me and walking away.

I stood there in utter shock, was he really leaving me by myself? stranded in this unknown area I looked around, I watched as Carlos continued on walking, not sparing me a glance. A small part of me had hoped he would turn around and this was all some kind of sick joke but he hadn't, with a hurry, I ran towards him, grabbing a hold of his arm, stopping him in his tracks, he turned around those hazel eyes glaring daggers at me.

For a while I stayed silent, expecting him to speak, because what the fuck? But the look in his eyes told me he was being dead serious so I cleared my throat gazing at him.

"If you expect me to leave then you could at least give me directions back and my sister thanks, also do you have anything I could perhaps travel back in?"

 I put my arms behind my back, rocking on my heel, still scanning my surrounding as I spoke not wanting to meet his gaze, I grimaced at the sight of a skeleton in a odd position, even the skeleton looked depressed as though it couldn't escape whatever it wanted to escape through death.

"Only a fool relies on a strangers words to find their way back,"

"Hey that's me, the fool!" I chuckled sarcastically hiding the hint of hurt at his jabs, can't help it, words hurts. He didn't stop walking and never once looked back, I caught up with him getting frustrated.

I only had two damn options.

Follow this man into a completely new world and risk not dying or find my own way back with Armani and risk not dying.

I pursed my lips deep in thought, was I willing to take the risk? I mean if I went with this guy its more likely to be safer for both of us rather than being stranded on unknown land, not to mention we'll be fed and have a roof over our heads. Nodding to myself, I made up my mind, I was so deep in thought I looked up noticing Carlos already couple spaces ahead, with a sigh I ran towards him.

"Hey dickhead! Wait up!"

I could've sworn I saw a small smirk.

I could've sworn I saw a small smirk

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2023 ⏰

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