dear diary...

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So a couple days ago I went to the beach with cousins of mine and I was like omg I rlly want a leather bound notebook. And you wanna know what I found, It wasn't a leather notebook but it was a super cute notebook. Idk what I should write in there. I found it in some plants. And yeah. 

for the past couple weeks I've been thinking about something or talking about it and then it happens. It all started when I said target randomly at like midnight while watching tv. The next day I went to target. The notebook thing I had always wanted one and literally bought multiple notebooks the day I went to target and then I get a supper cute notebook. And its purple, my favorite color.

Then, my mom was asking me how my friend does her hair (because she is black and you know how you gotta like do the braids and things) well I was like idk, then she asked if I had ever seen her real hair length and I was also like idk. Then literally the same day some time later she sends me a a photo where it shows her natural hair length and shes like omg hair day!!

bruh, Im a witch. jkjk idk. 

anyways, a was on snapchat and this guy added me and I was like great some man trynna get some over here. Turns out he is a nine year old looking for friends. And we called (it seems weird omg) anyways, he was telling me not to text him today because he doesn't want his girlfriend to think he is cheating on her. What a real one.... 

also ian somerhaulder can so get some like rn... 

the end.. 

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