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The morning dew hangs on the trees like a fly sticks on a spider's web. Walking down the inclined road that leads to my house, it's still slick from the rain that happened moments ago, the road is so slick that you could surf on it but there was almost no water that could be visibly seen. The flowers on the side of the road called out to me, they sway in the wind and call me with there intoxicating dancing. Reaching the different colored flowers I begin to listen to them, I can hear what they are saying to each other, to me. They gossip about the latest squirrels that pass by from time to time, they all agree that the storm that had passed by was harsh but it felt so good after the biggest drought we had experienced in this town. 

They tell me that some flowers and other plants will tell me lies and trick me on what they are and where I should travel, that there is a certain flower that will promise me all the fame in the natural world if I try her beautifully, delicious roots that fill anyone with knowledge. Yet again, I would never trust a flower with such hideous colors that repulse the slugs and snails that feed off of the most plentiful flowers and plants. I can even hear the soil talking to the flowers, most flirt but some give warnings of danger. Telling of natural disasters or of animals trying to steal their nutrition. The soil warns me of the sky, never trust the rain as it may feel good but one day it will ruin me too much, will weigh me down like raindrops on a flower weak petal as it falls into the ground to die.

Then, all of a sudden,


It hit like a tidal wave, so fast and strong with no warning. It was quiet, too quiet, almost like they were trying to warn me of something coming whatever it was it must be awful to get this quiet. Since they have stopped I begin on my way home, slightly happier since my exchange with the flowers. I think back to my conversation with them, how they just stopped talking almost like something was eavesdropping, I start walking faster. Then I am stopped again as I hear a whisper flow with the wind, I turn to find that it was the pine trees that are calling for me. 

They dance as the flowers did, but this time they dance so softly, making you think it was a child dancing. I approach them cautiously, scared of what they might do if I walked to them the wrong way, but they asked me to walk to them faster, so I did. Once I reached the delicate trees they had so much to say it was like gibberish, I heard different things as,

"Forget what the flowers said, they are bad news,"

"Don't trust the pine trees they want you to get stuck with their sap,"

"Don't talk to the squirrels, only talk with the birds they are more mature,"

"Take my advice don't trust anyone on this pathway,"

Everything then just stops. The dew that wanted to break free of the pines grasps is stuck in the air, walking away from the trees in fear and wanting to run back home I finally turn to go back when I hear everything. The sky, animals, flowers, trees, and the soil yell at me

"Stop! You'll die!"

I didn't want to listen to them, they were at fault for tieing my brain in knots with their lies. Finally in the road free from their grasps, but I'm confused as to why I still hear them yelling. That's when I know why they were yelling as I hear a sharp noise other than their shrieks, The blinding lights make up for the sun that's too scared of the rain to show itself. Finally, everything is 


Just as I like it, but it's too dark to do anything. So I just continue my walk with the silence that lives with me forever.

Morning's dewWhere stories live. Discover now