You Really Know How To Mess With A Girls Feelings Styles

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I stood there confused so I grabbed my books off the floor and ran after Harry. I finally caught up with him. I tapped him on the shoulder and walked beside him.

"Wait, wait wait you really know how to mess with a girls feeling Styles." I said a little angry but still confused.

"Ah, so now you're following me?" He said turning around and walking backwards so he facing me.

"No, i just wanna know why you think its ok to mess with my feelings like that." I said still fustrated.

"Cause you're fun to mess with babe." He said smirking.

"What im confused why am i fun to mess with?" I said stopping and staring at him. Someone crashed into the back of me "Ow!"

"Don't hurt yourself babe." He said winking and turned around walking away.


I walked to my locker thinking about what happened earlier. I had spent to much time thinking about it i threw some books in and took some out. I had study period next so I could do whatever really. I walked in there was no teacher again supervising the class so when i walked in it was crazy. This total slut named Alexa she was your normal outragously beautiful girl who used her beauty for a horrible reason she had long blonde hair and blue eyes. I reconized her because she was on the cheer team. She was sitting on Harry's friend Niall's lap she sitting towards him though they were full blown making out it was so uncomfortable even being near them. So I decided not to stay i walked back out and went to the library. I walked to the area behind the bookshelves of books so no one would notice me. I put in my headphones to block out the world I Miss You by Blink 182 came on it was my all time favorite song. I loved it so much that my converse on the white rubbery parts it had the whole first verse:

Hello There That Angel From My Nightmare The Shadow In The Background Of The Morgue The Unsuspecting Victim Of Darkness In The Valley We Can Live Like Jack And Sally If We Want Where You Can Always Find Me We'll Have Halloween On Christmas And In The Night We'll Wish This Never End We'll Wish This Never Ends...

I searched through the books running my fingers over the spines of the books. Someone quickly woke me from my thoughts and music. They wrapped their arms around my waist as soon as they're arms wrapped around I pulled out my headphones and spun around. I was face to face with Harry looking up into those emerald green eyes of his.

"You scared me half to death." I whispered not so quietly.

"It was funny, why are you here and not making out with some dude in study like your whore friends Soph?" He said smirking. His arms still around my waist.

"Oh none of them were hot enough," I said sarcastically.

"Oh really turns out you are a whore after all." He said.

"No i was joking hahah." I said as i couldn't hold back the giggles.

"Am I hot enough?" He said pulling me closer so i could feel his breath on my lips.

"Maybe, but no i need to study." I said unwrapping his arms from my waist. He rolled his eyes.

"We can study something else if you know what i mean." Hesaid raising his eye brows and winking.

"How about no, and fuck off because your being an ass again." I said annoyed turning back to the bookshelf.

"Ugh your so boring." He said walking next to me, but when he walked by he made sure his hand grazed my ass.


"Well, Bye asshole I have to get to cheer." I said jokingly.

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