Ch 5. Y/n backstory

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October 18, 2015 Y/N journal:
It's my 13th birthday party today. Guess what I got.... tickets for a concert. But not just any concert.... A concert to the Pinheads! I was so excited to see Marty Mcfly at a concert for my first time. The concert is on my actual birthday, October 21! I can't wait!

October 21, 2015 journal:
The concert was great! I sang the songs word for word. At the end, my dream came true... I got to take pictures with Marty and get his autograph! It was so cool!!! Then right before we left, there was a loud crash in the town square. We ran out of the building, and glass was shattered all over, and guess who was arrested... Griff and his gang! We started to walk to our house when Marty junior ran out in front of us apologizing. Then another Marty junior ran past us. I was the only one that noticed. I pondered what was happening. Something weird was going on and I had to find out.... I followed one Marty junior and he ran to an old man with white hair and went to a silver car, I think it's a DeLorean. Then, I ran back to my house. I made it back in time and decided to do some research on Marty and his family. What I found was shocking... I found pictures of Marty in 1955 at the school dance that my grandparents went to. I did some more research and found some stories and theories.

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