𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎

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"Y/N." I mumbled under my breath. The two boys look at me confused. "My name is Y/N." I said with more confidence, looking up at the two boys.

"Well, nice to meet you, Y/N." Dream greeted me, holding his hand out. There was a small smile on his face. I gladly shook his hand. "Do you live near here? I can take you home if want." he offered. I shook my head.

"I probably live miles away from here, in fact, I don't really live anywhere." I scratched my neck a little, looking at the ground.

"Do you have an resources?" George asked, I shook my head.

"I only remember waking up in a small field and making my way to a small village which the villagers let me stay last night." I explained. The small wolf quickly struggled to get out of my grasp. I place it on the ground. It soon quickly sniffed around Dream. Dream crouched down and patted the dog.

"Is that all you remember?" Dream asked, still patting the dog. I nodded. All of a sudden another male burst into the room. He was the same height as George. He ran over to us, almost collapsing. He had fresh wounds all over his body, blood seeping through his white shirt which had a fire symbol on it. His jet black hair was a complete mess.

"D-Dream!" the boy cried out. He held his left side tight with free hand. Dream quickly ran over to him, catching him as he fell. The black haired male has fainted. Dream's face only showed rage and distress at that moment.

"W-what happened to him..?" I asked conserned. Although I didn't know these people, I still wanted to help. Dream gave George a look.

"It-it's nothing to worry about, Y/N!" George nervous chuckled, scratching his nape furiously. You obviously knew it was a lie.

"George. Go tend to Sapnap's wounds, I'll go show Y/N around." Dream ordered. George walked over to the boy so called Sapnap and picked him up, struggling slightly. Dream gestured you to follow him. "So, what were you doing all by yourself at night?" he asked, breaking the silence.

"I was looking for you." you looked up at him.

"Looking for me?" he repeated my statement, confused. "Why would you look for me, I don't even know you." Dream looked at you.

"I saw you defend a village the other night. I just wanna say thank you for that." you smiled. You saw a light tint of pink on Dream's cheeks.

"It-it's nothing." Dream looked away from you and started focusing what was in front of him.

"Well, now I guess I gotta find my way back to the village." I sighed.

"You can stay with me of you want."


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2020 ⏰

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