The End

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Thank you, @BaileyDeconse for messaging me an idea for finishing the book! Your message reminded me of this book and gave me motivation to finish it! I am so sorry for the wait, last I updated was like a year ago! I'm just going to quickly finish up this book for you guys! 😁

Marinettes Point of View

"Miraculous Ladybug!" I screamed as I threw the teddy bear into the air. I had no ideas for the battle whatsoever, so I just decided to skip it. A thousand little ladybugs flew out from it and started sweeping over the city, repairing the damage the little girl had done. I looked back at the girl who was being embraced by her mother, who I had recently learned was going through a divorce, and I gave a small smile at the affection passed between the two of them. I turned at the groan behind me and saw none other than Chat Noir getting up off the ground. "Well finally," I teased, "I missed you."

"Yeah, you were pretty awesome." He stood up, carefully grabbing his arm. I frowned at the action. "You could've used me near the end though."

"Well if I got frozen then there'd be nothing protecting the city." I stated, the weight of my job not new information to me. "What's wrong with your arm?" He looked down at the arm he was still clutching to his chest, staying silent. "Does this have anything to do with what you were saying earlier? About something being wrong with you?"

Giving a sigh of defeat he nodded. "I-I don't know what to do." He started his voice trembling, revealing how upset he was. "Something isn't right, my arm just, um, started hurting and didn't look right and I started hurting all over a bit and I know that isn't normal but-"

"Adrien?" I cut him off, everything he was saying finally clicking in my head. He got hurt when I did, right before I transformed. That's why he was there. Tikki said that Adrien and I were soulmates. Oh god, Adrien and I were soulmates. And Adrien might be Chat Noir! My head suddenly started hurting and I looked to my partner, desperately hoping that the name would mean nothing to him.

He didn't speak for a minute, his eyes wide. I let a pool of hope form in my stomach. Maybe my partner wasn't the guy I've been in love with. Everything came crashing down when he finally did open his mouth. "How did you know?" I shook my head, trying to process all of the information. This definitely proved it. Adrien and I were 100% soulmates. And he was Chat Noir, the guy I'd turned down so many times. I've thrown my crush around like it was nothing and have talked to him for hours. And I was destined to spend the rest of my life with him. We were made for each other.

"Ladybug?" He asked, his eyes glowing with concern at my distressed state. I looked up at him, still not believing that one of my best friends that was in front of me was Adrien Agreste. "What's the matter?"

I shook my head, not finding it in my to answer. A beeping noise filled my ears, but I couldn't find it in me to move. "You're about to transform back!" He exclaimed, grabbing me and shooting off in between two buildings a distance away, keeping us away from people who were watching us in the park. He turned to leave, but stopped after a few steps. "You know my identity, I'll have to give up my miraculous. I guess you're the guardian now, so I'll be here this time tomorrow to give it back to you."

My eyes snapped up at this, my mental space clearing to focus only on the words that were just spoken. "No!" I yelled, grabbing his attention just as he was about to shoot away.

He took a few steps to me, crouching down. "You know that we can't know each other's identities, it's too dangerous. It just means that my time as Chat Noir is over."

I shook my head, standing up to grab his arm. "It doesn't have to be like that." I swallowed down all the nervousness I felt and decided to just get it all out there. If we were destined for each other then we might as well get everything out there now. The final warning beep sounded and I was surrounded by a pink glow as my other identity fell off.

His eyes got even wider. "Marinette?"

I nodded. "My kwami said that-"

"You guys are soulmates." Tikki finished, now floating next to me tiredly. "You're destined for each other and will feel each other's pain since your bond is so strong." Adrien said a few words and de transformed too, his kwami, Plagg I think, also listening intently, nodding along to Tikki's words. "You wouldn't have been able to be Ladybug and Chat Noir anyways, if one of you got hurt during a battle, the effects could be disastrous." I could imagine. Even if only one of us stayed as a crime fighting hero, the other one could get hurt by having a building fall on top of them or something and it wouldn't be good. "You two can work together as guardians though, Master would have wanted it." I nodded, smiling. I looked over and saw Adrien looking like he was having trouble processing too. He ended up leaning his back against the building and sliding to the ground, his eyes lost in space.

I decided to join him on the ground and sat right next to him. "Hey, I know this is a lot, and there's a lot we have to go through, but we will go through it all together." I felt my own mental state slightly repairing at my words. "All I really know at this point is that I still have your back." I playfully nudged his shoulder, finding myself more relaxed thinking of him as my kitty.

He looked over at me, a small smile tugging at his lips. "And I still have yours." Warmth filled my chest as we sat there, looking into each other's eyes. I don't know who started leaning in, but we met in the middle in a long overdue kiss. A kiss that reassured both of us of the others support and readied us for whatever the future had in store.

So it's over! I feel awful about the wait and the boring and unsatisfying ending, I usually prefer a heckin ton more drama, but I just wanted to finish this as fast as possible and give you guys and myself closure on this book. It's a lot shorter then my others and I feel a lot less good about it, but if you guys like it, well I guess that's all that matters. 😊 I reread this whole book to try and tie up loose ends and realized that I hated my old writing style, and it really hasn't improved, but I'm proud of the slight improvements that I have made. It made me a better, more tolerable writer. Thank you so much for reading!

Love ya guys! 🦄


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