4:- Greetings, Fight Class.

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Chapter Four

In the morning I took a quick shower - locking the door before I got in – and found out the school-camp actually did have hot water. I had worried that before; there was no way I could have a cold shower. Afterwards I tied my hair up in a simple black ponytail, put on some eyeliner and lip gloss before getting dressed. I picked out some grey and black checked skinny jeans, a plain black tank top and my matching converse.

My first lesson was Fight, I remembered. Well this was going to be a blast.

"Are you even up?" I called through Jesse's door. No reply. There was no way I was going to let him get away with being asleep when I was awake, so opened the door and walked into his room. It was pigsty – if that was my room my mother would kill me. As I searched his room I saw a large bump under the duvet, which I assumed was Jesse. I ripped the covers off, exposing a half-naked man.

"Go away," He muttered.

"Get up!" I ordered him. He just made an incoherent noise and spread widely across the bed on his stomach. "You asked for it!" I jumped on him just as he turned up to rest on his back. So now I was lying on top of him, awkwardly looking down at his smirking face.

"Remind me which part of this is meant to wake me up?"

"You look pretty awake to me." He smirked up to me. "Now get up and get changed – you have a class to teach in ten minutes."

"I would if you would move."

"You want me to move?" I feigned hurt. "I'd thought you'd like this..." I trailed my index finger down his chest until I pulled at the top of his boxer shorts. I saw that glint in his eye, so I wasn't unprepared for what happened next. He flipped me over so I was beneath him and put his hand up my shirt to rest on my hips.

"Sir!" I exclaimed, making him smirk. "I'm not sure Jon will appreciate your obvious interest in me," I smiled innocently. "He's quite possessive..." I joked, making Jesse growl slightly. He pinned my arms above my head and bit my neck.


"That's what you get for waking me up." He said before standing up and walking into the bathroom.

Fight was held outside, just in a grassy area quite far into the woods, I discovered. Leyla ambushed me the moment I stepped out of the Cabin.

"I heard Kaitlin to Hannah and a group of other girls earlier, she was saying how she threw rocks at you last night and made you cry." I snorted at that, but she continued. "That’s not all: she was boasting about how she's forcing you to stay away from Lance but she didn’t notice him standing right behind her, so she landed herself right in it!” She looked at me happily. I looked back at her, not sure where this was going. "They’ve finally broken up." She explained. I looked at her.

“And this would make me happy because?”

“I thought you liked Lance?” She asked, looking confused. Why does everyone think that? I asked myself.

“No, he’s not my type. Everyone keeps thinking I like him, it’s ridiculous.”

I stood, my arms folded across my chest as I watched Jesse teach.

"Alright, I need a volunteer for the next moves. Basic fight knowledge – come on, we all know basic fight moves." I raised my hand confidently. Apart from me, Lance was the only one who had raised his hand, making me smile at the thought of him fighting. He just looked so innocent, almost like he couldn’t hurt a fly. Jesse's eyes landed on me and a slight smile graced his lips. "Ah, Ms Gabrielle, I thought you would jump at the chance for a fight. Okay, you and Smith are going to introduce us to how you both fight." I looked over at the guy who must have been Smith and assessed how he’d move. He looked like an elegant mover, someone who would use their speed and agility against you. It was rare to come upon these types when I was in a gang – most of the fighters focused on their strength and used it, ignoring everything else. Except when you fight like that, you leave weak spots that are easy to target.

"Like, fight proper?" I heard one of Kaitlin’s followers say. I rolled my eyes. Couldn’t they use correct English?

"Don't you mean: ‘are we going to fight properly?' Not 'like, fight proper?'" She shot me a dirty look that I returned with a happy, innocent smile.

"To answer your question, yes - you will be having a fight without rules." He added. I gave Smith a side glance.

"Except don't hurt him too badly?" He gave me a smirk, tying his long hair into a short pony before he gestured for me to join him in the centre of the circle the students formed.

I was actually excited for the fight; I was curious to what the students at St. Michaels had to offer and whether I should stay here to finish the rest of my school career. It would be rare for other schools to let me in with my reputation, and I’m pretty sure my previous headmaster’s wouldn’t recommend taking me in to the school. Anyway it appeared my mother wouldn’t be bothered if I decided to stay there and not see her for a while. Actually I’m sure she’d love it.

I caught Leyla’s eye as I walked into the centre, a large a grin on her face. Of course she was excited; she knew who I was and what I was capable of whilst everyone else didn’t. She guessed that what happened next would be quite short, quick and fierce. 

Jesse grabbed my arm as I walked past him.

“Don’t hurt him too bad, Lila, just enough to shock people.” I raised an eyebrow.

“Why do you want me to shock people?”

“I don’t really care, but that’s what you want and I know you could easily beat this guy. He’s one of our best fighters as well.”

“I’m just that amazing,” I walked up to Smith and shook his hand.

“I’m Smith. Who are you?”

“You’ll find out later.” I replied, giving him a smile.

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