Class Reunion - A Syrus Truesdale Oneshot

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Elaine pinned the last strand of her hair up as she stood in front of her bathroom mirror. She sighed, looking over her makeup, hair, and outfit one more time to make sure everything was in place. After deciding there was nothing more to be done, she walked into her bedroom to check what time it was on the clock.

'Crap,' she thought to herself when she saw that it was 7:48. Her five-year class reunion started in only twelve minutes. She grabbed her purse and quickly got into her small car, checking the invitation she had recieved two weeks ago in the mail to make sure she had the right address. Soon, she was on the road and on the way to seeing her old friends.

On the way to the hall where the event would be held, Elaine thought of all the fun she had had with her Duel Academy friends, and all that had happened since she had graduated. Most of them had gone into the Pro Leagues, but she had gotten a job with Industrial Illusions designing cards, which had always been her dream. She sighed. The year after graduation, she had met with her friends a couple of times, but for the most part, her job kept her apart from them. She didn't regret the choice she had made, but still wished they hadn't been separated.

She was excited and nervous at the same time to meet back up with everyone. 'I wonder how much they will have changed,' she thought. While she was excited to see Jaden, Bastion, and Chazz, she was the most excited to see Syrus again. She sighed once more. The whole time they'd gone to school together she'd had a crush on the sweet-natured boy, but he had never seemed to return her affections. With time, her feelings for him had faded somewhat, but now that she was going to see him again, they were beginning to resurface.

Before Elaine knew it, she had reached her destination. After parking her car and looking over her appearance in the drop-down mirror, she took a deep breath and exited the car, smoothing down her dress as she did so. She was eager to make a good impression on these people, since she hadn't seen most of them in so long.

As soon as Elaine had opened the front door to the locale, she was attacked from the side in a hug.

"Elaine!" Jaden yelled happily. She laughed once she realized who it was, and he pulled back.

"Hey, Jaden," she said, unable to stop smiling. He was still the same, spunky guy she had known and loved five years ago. "It's great to see you again," she said as she leaned in to hug her friend again.

"You, too," he said. "So, how've you been?"

Jaden and Elaine soon got to talking just like they had used to. He was now a very successful duelist in the Pro League, which she was happy to hear. He congratulated her on her success at Industrial Illusions as well. The two visited many of their other friends as they walked around the room. Elaine was relieved to discover that they had changed very little, so they all still got along like they had back at the Academy. After about thirty minutes of chatting, laughing, and drinking punch, Elaine asked the question that had been tugging at the back of her mind all night.

"Hey, Jaden, do you know where Syrus is?" She tried to keep her voice casual, since she had never told anyone about her crush on him.

Jaden furrowed his eyebrows a bit. "I dunno, Elaine. We met for lunch just a couple days ago and he said he would be here." They both looked around the room to make sure they hadn't missed him.

Suddenly, the people around them went silent. "Huh? What's going on?" Jaden asked. Someone pointed to the glass wall facing the parking lot, so the two of them looked in that direction.

A gorgeous red Porsche had just pulled into the parking lot, and it had quite taken everyone's breath away. "Whose car is that?" Elaine heard someone ask, giving voice to the question that was in everyone's mind.

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