Chapter 4

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Chanhee heaves a large yawn as he walks into the student council room where the rest of his friends are. Hyunjae and Juyeon are having a conversation about the winter dance since students keep asking about whether or not there is alcohol, and they do want alcohol at the party: but it can't be enough to where people will get hammered and have blackouts.

On the other hand, Changmin is leaning against the back of his chair with his eyes closed: probably because he's fast asleep. Chanhee makes his way to the chair next to Hyunjae and sits down, taking a big swig of his hot americano.

"Good morning, Chanhee!" Hyunjae pipes up and ruffles Chanhee's hair.

"Good morning." Chanhee grumbles as he loses his strength to sit up and drops his head onto the table.

"You're tired?" Juyeon asks. "Guess him and Changmin have something in common today."

Hyunjae laughs, but abruptly stops laughing when he notices Chanhee's oversized winter coat. Hyunjae points at it and gives Juyeon a questioning look, but Juyeon returns a face that says I don't know, it's not mine.

"Yo, Chanhee. Who's coat is that?" Hyunjae asks while peeking around the hoodie to see that the tag says size 12, which is for tall athletically built people.

"Sunwoo." Chanhee mumbles too faintly for anyone to here.

"Who?" Juyeon asks.

"Sunwoo." Chanhee replies a little bit louder. Juyeon and Hyunjae look at each other with wide eyes and Changmin wakes up with his jaw dropping to the floor.

"Sunwoo?!" The three ask in disbelief at the same time while giving each other looks that say what the fuck.

"Mhm." Chanhee mumbles as he nuzzles his face into his forearms like a pillow.

"W-why do you have his coat?" Juyeon asks.

"He gave it to me yesterday to borrow since I forgot mine at home."

"You could've asked me for my coat." Juyeon says with a hint of jealousy in his voice. Being that he's Chanhee's best friend and has always looked out for him. He's jealous that Chanhee accepted a winter coat from Sunwoo instead of just asking him instead.

"I didn't realize I didn't have one with me until he pointed it out, it was nice of him anyways. I'm giving it back to him today anyways." Chanhee answers and sits up straight, but he feels the bags under his eyes weighing his head down.

"Isn't Sunwoo, like, mean and stuff?" Changmin asks the table.

"Yeah." Hyunjae answers, but Chanhee butts in.

"He's not mean." Chanhee defends Sunwoo. "I think he's nice, but just has difficulty expressing it."

"Sounds like a teenage love drama. . ." Changmin trails off while wiggling his eyebrows.

"No it doesn't, sounds like Sunwoo is being an asshole. I don't like him, Chanhee." Juyeon complains, getting jealous once again. Chanhee shrugs his shoulders, but before the boys could talk anymore, the bell rings.

Chanhee and Juyeon make their way to their first class, which is biology, and they both take their seats at the back of the room in the paired desks. The entire lecture incorporates the general concepts of utter boredom: how animals sustain theirselves in the food chain and how populations are affected by it, and so forth. Generally Chanhee likes biology because he's amazing at science, but he finds this topic of biology boring. After class, him and Juyeon hang around their lockers doing nothing but exchanging some small talk.

"You see, I think alcohol isn't the greatest idea, but it will definitely be an idea." Chanhee says as he puts his science notebooks into his locker, then closes the door. Once he closes the door to reveal Juyeon leaning against the other lockers.

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