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Jane didn't believe in fairytales. Growing up as an only child with busy parents, she never believed. She didn't believe in Santa Claus, or the Easter Bunny, or the Sandman or the Fairy Godmother or the Tooth Fairy. For her, fairies and elves and mermaids were a myth.

Eddie Anderson believed in magic! Growing up with four elder siblings should have made him not believe, but in his family everyone believed. Right from his three year old cousin to his elderly grandparents.

Every Sunday evening, the entire Anderson family would sit around in the living room and listen as his Grandpa's old and mystical voice told them stories of ethereal beings and magnificent giants. Of regal princesses and their loyal pegasi. Eddie waited eagerly for these stories and believed in them with all his heart mind and soul!

His favorite magical being was the tooth fairy.

Every time Eddie lost his milk tooth he'd put it under his pillow and the next morning he'd find a bar of chocolate and a note, handwritten in golden ink thanking him for his tooth and to brush his teeth regularly because he wouldn't get a present for a rotten tooth, signed The tooth fairy.

So, it was quite a surprise when ten years later, Eddie and Jane got married.

For two years Eddie tried his hardest to make Jane believe. But Jane was what his grandma called 'a non-believer.'

"It will take no less than a miracle to make her believe, Eddie." His grandpa said.

However Eddie would not have his young son be a non-believer. So, when Mark Anderson's first milk tooth became loose, hanging precariously by one strand of tissue, Eddie was excited.

He couldn't wait to tell his son about the tooth fairy.

But to his surprise, when he came home one day after work, he found Jane telling Mark to wrap the tooth in a tissue and throw it in the dustbin!

Eddie quickly intervened as Jane huffed. He dragged his son to the bedroom before enthusiastically explaining all he could about his favorite fairy, almost tripping over his words in excitement. Nine year old Mark looked at him wide eyed and by the evening even Jane had to at least agree (even if she didn't believe) for her son's sake that 'yes, the tooth fairy is real. Now, drink your milk so your permanent tooth will grow strong.'

That night, Mark and Eddie eagerly put the tooth in an old velvet box, slipped it under the pillow and fluffed up the pillows dramatically.

Jane just watched silently, thinking of how she was going to console both her boys in the morning when they saw the tooth still there.

Jane couldn't sleep. It was close to midnight and she was thinking about Mark's sad face in the morning and she couldn't help herself. She pulled out five notes from her purse and tiptoed to Mark's room.

Standing in front of his door she looked down, suddenly noticing the faint green glow coming from under the door. Mark's bed light was orange...

She slowly turned the door handle, heart beating fast as the green glow became brighter. Were those sparkles?

Did Eddie actually set something up? It couldn't be. She was with him when they went to bed.

She opened the door a little more before her eyes widened. Her hand flew to her mouth as she softly gasped. The most beautiful woman was sitting beside his bed. No, hovering... about an inch above it. She had soft emerald green wings which fluttered around her, green sparkles falling with each movement.

Her dress looked almost like it was made of a cloud, floating around her gracefully. Her face was a dusky brown, like a freshly ploughed field. Soft long black hair fell gently to her shoulders in waves tendrils framing her face.

The fairy slowly slipped nimble and rosy fingers under the pillow, drawing out the velvet cased box. She gently removed the tooth and cooed at it, before it turned into golden mist.

She waved her hand gently above Mark's head and turned her head towards Jane.

Jane blushed at being caught, her heart beating heavily, mesmerized by this being... this fairy.

"Magic is real. You just have to believe." The tooth fairy said gently, before shimmering into golden dust.

The next morning, when Jane told her husband about the encounter, he smiled. "Now do you believe?"

She nodded. He kissed her forehead. "I'm glad."

At that moment, Mark ran into the room, showing them the chocolate and note in golden ink, signed The Tooth Fairy.


Do you believe in magic

I do.

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Hugs and kisses, 

MerlinMD :)

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