Authors note

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Okay I know that I said I was going to post a lemon after quirks but I've been tagged and so I'm going to do that! Here we go

1. Who tagged you
The lovely and amazing the-writing-girl

2. Post this before this month ends
Doing it now!!

3. What season is it/what's your favorite season
Summer/ I actually have a off season that's my favorite. It's at the end of fall and starting winter. (Around the middle of October to about beginning of December) it's cooler weather and I love sweat pants

4. Do you support the LGBT+ community
Yes, I do. I have relatives that are a part of the community and a lot of friends that are also part of the community. However, I have no idea how some of the group works meaning trans or pan... I'm so sorry I'm trying to learn

5. What is your favorite tv show/ anime
T.V. Show: Ghost Adventures
Anime: My hero academia, and I'll always have a soft spot for my very first anime I've ever watched Axis Powers: Hetalia

6. Do you like school?
I didn't really care for high school but I'm in college now and I love it!! I went to my dream college and I was so happy when I got in.

7 Tag as many people as you want!

Well okay,



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