Chapter 16 - Therapy

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5:59am , 3 March 2016, Thursday
◇Seungmin's house◇

The eldest son woke up to some knocks on the door, and bright blue and red lights coming from outside. He looked out and saw two police cars, and let out a quiet gasps, hesistantly opening the door, only to be met with an older officer, quickly he raised his hands up in surrender.

That guy had a gun, baton and what he assumed was a taser in his belt and he ain't about to get arrested for talking shit.

"Woah calm down kid, we're here to bring you kids to court. Your father turned himself in for child abuse and neglect and we need a statement."

Seungmin's eyes widened slightly, he turned himself in?

"I um... Okay...I'll just get my siblings ready..."

"Okay then."

The officer stood outside and Seungmin closed the door, breathing slowly, before getting a backpack, taking Seungjun's essentials and Seungeun's tablet to keep them both entertained. Before carrying his brother up, changing his diapers and gently waking up his sister, who held his hand with one of her own, the other hand rubbing her eyes and a boster under her armpits.

He went out, following the officer to the car after putting Seungjun into a babyseat. "Oppa where are we going?" The girl asked, yawning quietly.

"Don't worry about it...Oppa will take care of it okay? Wanna watch some videos?"

The girl nodded, getting distracted by the dimly lit screen, watching a quiet asmr video of mini things by a popular YouTuber RRCherryPie. Before switching to some korean gamers playing Minecraft.

When they reached they were escorted to the court room, where the siblings sat together, Seungmin looking around nervously.

Soon the familiar figure walked into the room, instead wearing an orange suit and hands cuffed. They held eye contact momentarily before Seungmin looked away.

9:26am , 3 March 2016, Thursday

"Mr Kim Seungho is hereby guilty of Chikd Abuse and Neglect and sentenced to 15 years of imprisonment and 3 years of orphanage community services. And by his own request will be in therapy."

Seungmin kept his eyes down, heading the a room where he sat down, quickly making a bottle for his brother who just woken up, feeding him.

A women, came in with a clipboard, sitting infront of him.

"Well you may be wondering, now that your father is in jail, your mother has passed away, who would take care of you now?"

Well that thought didn't cross my mind.

"Simple really, you'll be introduced to a foster care system."

"No. I'm more than able to care them and myself own my own."

"Well you don't have much of a choice, you are a minor."

"Can someone I know foster me?" He asked, feeling dejected.

"Well yes, only if they're over the age of 25... You can get fostered by today if said person comes here."

"What about the house?"

"It will be under your name but you won't be able to go in unless you request us, it will be open for a month for you to move everything out, things which are deemed useless cannot be brought over to foster parent's homes."

Seungmin sighed softly, "I'm gonna call someone is that okay?"

"Yeah go ahead..."

Seeing the women leave, Seungmin got out his phone calling the contact named 'Wooj's Eomma Kim >.>'

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