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Could not break the heart of both the people who voted and commented. so here is the promised bonus chapter and new work will be uploaded shortly. enjoy and keep voting and commenting.


Four pair of eyes were looking at the couple walking towards holding hands totally lost in their own world. They came and sat in front of the four people, who were still staring at them. "I will get us some breakfast" said the older kissing the younger on the forehead and left. Even when the older was walking away the younger's eyes were on the older and smiling shyly. The older came back with their breakfast and that was the time when one of the four people decided to interrogate the couple.

"Ahem.... Is there something which we need to know? Kla asked Mew looking at Gulf and them at Mew.

"Nothing" Gulf said all red in the face.

"Eh... but looking at your red face I can gaurantee there is something" Techno said with a sharp eyes on Gulf.

"Oye, No. You are being like this when I'm the one who is suppose to be angry with you. You still have not explain about you guys and P'Mew" Gulf retort.

"Hehehe... it was this two guys idea" Techno threw his boyfriend and Mew under the bus.

"So, do you guys have anything to say?" Gulf now glared at both Mew and Kla.

Mew gulped and replied, "baby, I just forgot about it"

"Forgot? How can you forget that they are your friends?" Gulf asked.

"I didn't forget that they are my friends I just forgot that they are your friends also" Mew said innocently.

"Are you even listening to your excuse? Not even a five year old will believe it" Kla said.

"Ok, fine. I just wanted to know everything about you without you thinking me being clingy" Mew replied.

"Oh my God. I didn't know he can be so idiot when it comes to you" this time it was Bright who said it.

Mew eyed Bright in angered. He was still angry at him for hugging his Gulf. Sensing the environment, Gulf decided to introduction the other couple to Mew. "Mew, this is P'Bright and his boyfriend Nong Farm. P'Bright is my cousin and counsellor"

Mew relaxed when he came know that Bright is Gulf's cousin but the counsellor part didn't get him. "Counsellor?" Mew was confused and asked.

"It will be better your tell him yourself, Gulf. But first let's have breakfast" Bright said and Techno agreed. Gulf looked at Mew and nodded. Once they finished their breakfast, Gulf took Mew to a small cliff overlooking the sea, they sat down there and looking at the horizon Gulf started his explanation, "As you know I was fat or more like obese when I was a kid. So, you and other kids used to bully me. This made me very depressed to think that my crush hate me. It then that P'Bright who was a psychology student notice it and started counseling me. I got my confidence and motivation to continue after that. And your going away helped with that, I started to take care of myself. i realized that I wasn't the only case who was like this and I wanted to help others the way P'Bright helped me. So, with the help of Techno and P'Bright, we started this champ to help the youngsters cope with their depression or anything problem. And here we are today". Gulf looked at Mew and show him crying, Gulf panicked and hugged him. "What's wrong?"

"I'm so sorry, Gulf. I didn't know that by trying to protect you I was only hurting you more. I'm sorry, baby. Please forgive me" Mew cried on Gulf's shoulder hugging him tighter as if he will run away.

"What are you saying? What do you trying to protect me and hurting me more?" Gulf asked in confusion.

"I used to bully you so that the others would not bully you. I even beat them up if they bully you and said that only I can bully you. But I didn't know that you were hurting this much. I am sorry, my love" Mew confessed.

"And why were you trying to protect me by bullying me?" Gulf asked even though he knows the answer already.

"You were really cute and chubby like a baby. When you were having food you used to stuffed your mouth as if someone is going to take away your food" Mew explained.

"What kind of logic is it? Just because I was cute and chubby like a baby you used to bully me" Gulf asked in frustration.

"Well, it was a love at first sight but I was scared that people will make fun of us. And they will bully you even more" Mew said. Gulf just sighed and said, "I guess P'Bright is right you can be an idiot when it comes to me and now I understand why is my pictures are save under the name of baby squirrel"

"Hey, I am very sharp when it comes to you and whatever it was, didn't it work to stop others from bullying you? And come to think about it you even promised to marry me when we grow up because I once beat up a bully infront of you. How can you forget that?" Mew pouted like a child and Gulf laughed at his childish bully.

"Aww... I'm sorry okay. And I know that you loved me from before" Gulf replied with a smiled.

"How did you know?" Mew asked

"Man and Boss told me. It seems you used to cry infront of them whenever you used to bully me" Gulf told him.

"I never cried" Mew was now shy thinking Man and Boss told Gulf about his most embracing moment.

"It's okay. You are still manly" Gulf leaned his face towards Mew and kissed him. "Come on, let's go otherwise they will think that we are doing something inappropriate"

"Something inappropriate? Like what?" Mew wriggled his eyebrow at Gulf making him blush. "Stop it and come one" Gulf got up and pulled Mew along with him.

When they reached the champ a crowd was waiting for them and cheered on. They were surprised to see their parents were also there.

"Mom and Dad? Uncle, Aunty and guys why are you all here?" Gulf asked and Mew just smiled and hugged his parents. Everyone was there even Man and Boss with a banner written congratulation on it, most probably from the children of orphanage. Gulf was overwhelmed with all the surprises.

"Mew called us and told us about the good news. So, we are here to celebrate" Gulf's mother said and hugged his son.

"Congratulation" Everyone shouted and cheered.

Gulf teared up and thanked everyone. It was the best surprised of his life celebrating his one of the most important events with his love ones. "Thank you" he said to Mew and hugged him.

"Be prepared to be surprised more in the future, my baby" Mew said and kissed his eyes and forehead.

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