What Happened?

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The morning after break seemed like it would be the worst day ever. I've never wanted to kill myself a day in my life until now. It was a rainy Monday morning in California surprisingly and my parents weren't home {surprise, surprise}. I had to walk to school today.

"Awe, did the princess have to walk in the rain" I heard a voice from behind me. There were also a few chuckles to go along with that indelicate comment. I already knew who it was so I didn't have to turn around.

"HEY!! He's talking to you" A person grabbed my shoulder. But not just a person...Zayn. This felt like the perfect time to run, but I didn't.

I turned around to see five boys staring at me with indignant expressions on their faces. My face was expressionless. "I..." I took off without completing my sentence. I threw my notebook at them to slow them down...it didn't work. I felt something hard strike me in the back, it felt like a textbook. The hit caused me to fall down in pain. I just knew this wouldn't be good. So I just laid there, helpless and feeling sorry for myself. What else could I do?

"Get up you dumb son of a bitch" I got kicked in the spleen repeatedly causing me to spew up blood. I felt Harry grab my collar and slam me against the brick wall of the school. I could see the blood soaking my shirt. I hated to see blood so I immediately got light-headed. Behind the blur of my eyesight, I could see the boys simultaneously punch and kick me in different areas on my body. I saw a pool of blood starting to grow on the floor...my blood. I started to get scared and I felt myself slipping away, possibly into a comma. All I remembered at that point was being dropped onto the cold, wet concrete. It was still pouring rain and no one seemed to be around this area. I couldn't walk, talk, or even feel my arms or legs. I saw the light but I didn't know exactly what to do. I thought I wasn't ready to die but sadly, I didn't want to live on this Earth anymore. What's my purpose in life?

I remember being waken up by a constant beeping sound. I looked down to see IVs stuck in my arm. "Oh damn, I'm in the hospital" I thought to myself. But how did I get here? Who found me? I then felt a cool soft hand touch my forehead. I looked up to see two people I never would have imagined. Paris and Ariana.

"Ariana, he's waking up. Kaylin...Kaylin are you ok" Paris rubbed my cheek. I could see her light hazel eyes shimmering in relief.

"Leave him alone Paris, he doesn't like us. You might as well let him rest" Ariana assumed. So Paris complied and sat down next to her. "What are we going to do, we can't just let this go". I couldn't turn my head too much to see their faces. I felt so weak.

"We have to find out who did this first. Any ideas" Paris asked Ariana hopelessly. There was silence for like 6 seconds at that moment.

"Oh I have an idea" Ariana asked as getting up out of her seat. "Watch Kaylin, I'll be back in about an hour". She walked over toward me and kissed my forehead. She then walked out of the door going who-knows-where. I felt myself slipping back under as the room continued to blur up again. The last thing I saw was Paris standing over me.

Waking up to the sound of heels perambulating on the hospital floor. I started to feel a headache creep in. A small breath escaped from my mouth as I opened my eyes to the beaming lights.

"Is he ok?" I heard a worried voice.

"He'll be fine, he just need to rest for a while... " A firm voice confirmed.

"How is he ok and he can barely breathe? " Paris rudely questioned.

"I ensure you everything will be fine" the Doctor left the room.

Then I heard a phone start to ring, these people just don't know how to be quiet. But It was Paris' phone, I have no choice but to eavesdrop.

"Hey Dimples...." She greeted with a high-pitched voice.

"Erm, I'm at home.... I am seriously" she lied.

"Ok you're right, I am lying... Damn" she admitted.

"I'm at "none of your business" harry" she sassed.

"You are overreacting, gosh...Whatever... Blah Blah Blah... You can hang-up now you're irritating me.." She irritably spoke.

She had balls. I could never find myself speaking to him like that. Maybe it would be best if I hung around Paris and Ariana. Things might actually get better after I get out of this hospital.

"Oh dear my baby.." I heard a familiar voice cry. Yep. It was my mom.

"What kind of mess did you get yourself into?" My dad angrily muttered.

My mom leaned in and hugged me tightly. This was the first time in years she did this. Showed me any attention basically.

"His eyes are open, my poor baby" my mom cried once more. Stop calling me baby.

"Kaylin you know how much this shit is going to cost us, we can't afford you coming into the hospital every damn week unless you got 2,000 dollars to pay for this shit, now do you? You don't , now stop acting like a useless pussy and grow some damn balls and learn how to fight, we would've been better off with a girl" my dad complained. Making me feel worst. I forgot all about the loving hugs and kisses my mom gave me and thought of how much everyone hates me.

"Damn, he's already hurt stop acting like a dick" I heard Paris comment.

"Kaylin baby, your father's right, we can't afford this..." Mom agreed.

"Seriously? Let me tweet this, you guys are ridiculous" Paris added.

"Who are you? " Dad asked in a pissed off tone.

"And you know our son how?" Mom questioned.

"Well...." "We're his friends!" Ariana continued Paris unfinished answer.

Friends? So this is real? How will this work out though. Me being friends with my bullies girlfriends? Would they hurt me more. Or is all this just a huge set-up. I learned not to trust anyone ever since the Zayn incident. But this might not be fake. I don't know what to believe, I just want to close my eyes and fall into a deep rest. I couldn't though. Too many distractions. Especially when I had another surprise visitor enter the room.

"There you are" I looked over to see Harry. Why the hell was he here? Is he going to hurt me in front of my parents. I'm already in the worst ever. Can I get a break?

"What are you doing here?" Paris rolled her eyes.

"Now who are you?" Mom spoken clueless.

"Im a... Ah friend, Im a friend" he stumbled during his lie.

I just laid there. Hoping he wasn't here to hurt me again. Make my pain worst. "Hello, am I talking to a brick wall, what are you doing here?" Paris eyed Harry.

"I'm here to get you... So lets go" he demanded. She stood there to think for a moment then she grabbed her purse and prepared to leave.

"Bye guys, I'll come visit again tomorrow.." "Your busy tomorrow" he disrupted her. "Not really"

"Well you wont step foot in here again" I heard them go back in forth while exiting the room.

I tried to forget about all the recent occurrences. I still couldn't find the strength to speak yet. I had a small craving for almost anything. I just couldn't eat though. Knowing that, that would just add on to the apparently high bill. I felt like I've been in this hospital for days. I lost count. I only found myself dozing off occasionally. Whatever the doctors gave me regularly made me sleepy. After I repeated this new routine if sleepy and listening to conversations I was finally able to interact. My words came out perfectly and my joints were moving normally. I was enjoying my time here. Sadly my stay was over, and my dad didn't want the bill to keep adding up. I was going to have to go back to my normal life. The life I wanted to end.


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