Chapter 22

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The sound of the door slamming shut, snapped Kirishima and Katsuki's attention to the two shell shocked males standing in the entry way.

In seconds, Katsuki had pushed the redhead away and started over to them. "It's not what it looks like, please just let me-" Bu the wasn't even able to finish his sentence.

Shoto stormed out the door and the sound of Izuku's front door let everyone know where he went. Katsuki tried to go after him, but he was pushed back by the small green haired male.

"Kacchan, just- give him some time." He said softly, looking back and forth between the blond and a confused Kirishima.

"Izuku, please, it wasn't-" Katsuki tried to plead with the green haired boy, but he cut him off, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Kacchan, just let him have time okay? Both of you need some time to cool down, so get some sleep and come upstairs in the morning." Izuku instructed, knowing that if Katsuki were to try and apologize right then, Shoto would more than likely blow up at him in return and it would just end in a bigger fight.

Katsuki's red eyes were filled with unshed tears as he looked down at the smaller male. "But-"

Izuku shook his head, bringing his hands up to Katsuki's spikey hair and placing their foreheads together. He was trying to comfort the blond, at least a little bit before he had to go up to his own apartment and try to reel Shoto in. "It's gonna be okay, I promise. Shoto just needs to cool down before he sees you again or it's going to end really, really badly. But it's going to be okay, you've just got to trust me."

Katsuki let out a shaky breath and nodded his head, squeezing Izuku's hand. The shorter of the two stood on his tip toes to place a quick kiss on his forehead before stepping away a little. "Get some sleep, okay Kacchan? I'll see you in the morning." Izuku said softly, nudging Katsuki a little in the direction of his room.

"Yeah," Katsuki mumbled back. He tried to hold himself together, but before he could reach his room, Izuku caught sight of his tears falling from his eyes. He closed the door behind him and that's when Izuku let out a deep breath and redirected his attention to the completely lost redhead.

"Um, what just happened?" Kirishima asked slowly.

Izuku pinched the bridge of his nose. He didn't really want to talk to Kirishima right then, just wanting to go up stairs and make sure Shoto was okay. "Shoto and Kacchan are dating, and that little stunt didn't really go over well." He explained shortly.

Kirishima's eyes were blown wide at the new information. "They're what?! But I thought you and Todoroki were a thing? And what was with you and Bakugou just now? I'm so confused." He asked, letting his questions fly.

"Kirishima, it's complicated okay? Right now, I just need you to get the others and leave. And when I say leave, I mean it. If I find out you stayed here, I'll break your nose, got it?" Izuku threatened. He knew he couldn't really blame the redhead for what happened in the hall, seeing as he had no clue that Shoto and Katsuki were involved, but now he did. If he still tried to make a move, that gave Izuku every right to throw a few punches, not that they'd really do much, but it's the thought that counts.

"Jeez dude, I got it, I got it." Kirishima responded, holding his hands up in surrender.

Izuku let out a tired sigh, raking a hand through his messy hair. "Look, I know for a fact you're a good guy and didn't mean to get in the way of a relationship, but now that you know, you seriously need to back off. Okay?"

Kirishima didn't look to happy about the prospect of giving up on the blond, but he eventually nodded. "Yeah, I got it." He muttered, turning and walking into the living room to tell the others that they had to leave.

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