Chapter 12: Captured

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The festival night came as quick as it was slow. I spent half of the entire day in endless oceans of hair pins, blow dryers, lotions and moisturizers, make up kits and art supplies with diamond stones littering the entire room. Faires and pixies buzzed in and out of the room all the time. Cyan also sneaked out to visit me and she was beautiful in the white  angel dress she had on, but she disappeared before my eyes a while later and Robin said her mother must have summoned her. Creepy.

I had tried to make the masquerade masks for Robin and I and although I wasn't some art genius, even I wouldn't wear them. But I had tried. I gave myself that.

Robin said they were beautiful and he liked them but I'm pretty sure he was just trying to make me happy. I called him out on that and he just laughed and kissed me roughly on my lips, making me loose all sense of what I was even talking about. Then he said he would gladly wear them because I made them. But...we settled for Crystal making our masks, they looked a whole lot better.

Robin was finally able to spend the day with me unlike other times when he would be out throughout the entire day, attending to the preparations for the festival. Today was finally the festival night and other important decisions had been made so he left the remaining minor plannings to other vampires. When it was getting close to night fall though, he started looking really pensive and unsettled.

"Hey, hey, look at me" I called.

He turned nervous eyes to me as I straddled his thighs and held his face between my hands.

"What is it? Why are you so nervous?"

"I just...I don't know, it must be because it's getting close to the time when a vampire must take human blood or else such vampire goes rogue"

"Oh's okay, it has all been planned out, just calm down, everything would be fine"

"And maybe plus the fact that I have not taken a partner to the masquerade ball in...thirty? years" he added and turned his face to kiss my palm.

"Yeah, the pixies mentioned that, who was your last partner and why haven't you taken one in years?"

I shouldn't be curious. I shouldn't want to know. It might hurt me to know the vampire Robin had felt very important enough to take with him to the ball. But as curiosity goes, I couldn't stop myself from asking, no matter how much I knew it might hurt me. Robin nibbled on my fingers one by one and heat pooled somewhere deep in my stomach.

" younger sister, we grew up together. I loved her. Everyone said we acted like we would become mates" He gave a sadonic laugh.

"We were always together, I promised her I would always protect her...but she was killed...I couldn't protect her Elysia, I couldn't."

He buried his face in my shoulder blade and I could feel all the sadness and pain which he was trying to keep at bay, radiating through him. 

"Thirty years, thirty whole years have gone by, I had sought my revenge and got it but to a creature who lives forever, thirty years seems like 30 days. The pain is still so fresh. I loved her and I vowed to protect her but she was taken away from me...killed, just like that"

The pain has been tearing at his heart for so long and I could not even believe I had thought I might be jealous, right now, all I was thinking about was how I could take all the pain that Robin was feeling so that be could be free from his past.

I would if I could.

That thought scared me, with all the suffering I had endured since I was little, I would still want to take the pain of the gorgeous vampire, who was pouring his heart out to me and looking like a scared boy who couldn't do the one thing he was entrusted to do? What do you call that madness?

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