Chapter 2

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Try listening to Runaway baby by Bruno Mars whilst reading this! - Tottorrto. 

The scent was so strong, I just wanted more. Then the realization hit me like a rock, I was just staring at him, not talking or anything, just staring at him."Like what you see" The yellow haired male said snapping me back from my thoughts. My face grew red as I once again realised what I was doing. "Y-yeah.. I ME-MEAN" a small yet cute chuckle stop my soon to be ramble. "It OK I get that a lot" WHAT. Is this guy shuck a cocky bitch that he just said that. "You'll understand soon" He said taking a sip of his drink. I just stared at him with a confused face. Did he just read my mind or something.

"Umm so w-whats your name? " I decided to ask as I ordered my drink. "Denki, Denki Kaminari" He replaces as he looks at me from the corner of his eyes, all most like hes inspecting me, weird. "Yours?" "hum" I was kinda cough up in that galre. "Oh sorry, yeah. My names Y/N L/N" I answer. "Y/N, that's a beautiful name" my cheeks glow in a deep shade of red at the though of Denki likeing my name. WAIT WHAT! Why do I care what this guy thinks of my name.

I look up from my drink at Denki who is now look at me without his cocky smirk. The side of His lip quickly turn up back to his normal smirk. "You now your really pretty" Kaminari complements me and I can feel my checks heat up yet again. "T-thanks, your r-really han-hansome".Why do I keep stuttering.

Denki quickly turned his enter body to face me. I noticed his shirt is black with a red heart on it which seems to be slowly cracking."you know you have really pretty eyes" he finally says looking straight into my eyes. Slowly but surely Denki leans in more and more but I am unable to move. "And your lips look so sweet" Kaminari slowly says as he reaches for my face. In a blink of an eye the small gap that was once in between use closes as Denki lockes Ower lips together. Even tho he didn't ask to kiss me I wirdley enjoy this and kiss back. 

He slowly bites my bottom lip asking for entrance. I didn't know what to do so I just didn't open my mouth. That was the wrong chose apparently because He slowly slipped his hand down the back of my pants and grasped my ass making my gasp cossing my mouth to open.

He quickly slipet his toung into my mouth Exploring every nock and cranny. Soon ower tounges started to battle and I felt my energy slowly leaving my body.

All of a sudden the world around me moves quickly, i don't know were I was. When the world starts to slow down I'm at home laying on my bed with Denki laying on top of me, owerlips still continuing and tounges still battleing.

Denki ends up winning and taking domaines over me. Even tho this is wrong, so so so wrong, I love it to much to stop and punch him away. Instead I wrap my arms around Denki neck and I felt a small smirk press against my lips.

Denki slowly started to kiss away from my lips and down my neck leaving hickes every were his lips meet skin. I fought the uregh to moan till I heard a soft voice saying 'let it all out' and my voice could be heard all over my apartment.

A warm hand movies down to my croch and started to rub. My energy left my body so quickly that I couldn't stay concuss anymore and soon my body fell into darkness.

A Deal Unsigned {Evil Cupid Denki x Reader Lemon} Where stories live. Discover now