Chapter 3

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I felt warmth. A warm blanket was rapped around me. Without opening my eye I could tell that I was at my house and in my bed. But something felt strange. Like someone was here. I open my eyes and the landed on a shirtless yellow haired male. I was too tired too say anything, letting the male speak.

"good morning cutie" my face turned red at the pet name. "I made breakfast for you" "why did you do this" he slowly got up and put on this red jacket "because" he left my room and closed the door. I heard a ding coming from my phone. 'WERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU GONE!!!!' I read, seeing its from Mina. How to explean. 'I felt sick and left, sorry' now wait.

I got up and walked to the kitchen to see the breakfast that Denki had prepered. I sat down at the table and start to enjoy the beacon and eggs. Whilst eating I heard the shower was on. Asumming it was Denki I continued to eat. I decided to look through Instagram seeing what my friends have been doing.

Once I finished my breakfast I moved to wash the dishes. As I put my pleat in the sink my phone buzzed. I took my phone and unlocked it. It was a text. 'Heyy cutie~ hope u enjoyed ylur self last night' it read. I looked to see who it was from. My face turned shocked as I saw it was from Denki. I did not put his number in my phone, yes Denki could have put it in but my phone has a finger print lock?! I put my phone down and just continue to do the dishes. 

All of a sudden everything goes black.i feel my hand being tied behind me and my feet tied together.

"We got her boss"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2020 ⏰

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