cp:6 My mate

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Lisa- Tae....

Taehyung- No I don't want to.

Lisa- But don't you want to see Jimin?

Taehyung- I do but I don't want to see Jungkook

Jin- Okay you two what is going on here ?

Lisa- Well I have to go to my house to change and all, and I don't want to go alone.

Jin sighed

Jin- What about Jennie?

Lisa- She went somewhere, I mean she wasn't in bed when I woke up

She responded confused herself

Jin- So you want Tae to go with you?

Lisa- Yes....pretty please.

She said making a puppy face

Taehyung- Aiiishhh why do you have to be so cute damn it....

She hugged him

Lisa- Yes yes yes you are the best....


While in the meantime

Jennie was at Red Eye pack house talking to Jungkook

Jennie- You are telling me that Tae..

Jungkook- Yes, he is my mate

Jennie was still looking at him like he was crazy or something

Jennie- B-but how is that even possible? I mean he.....is human after all

Jungkook- I don't know but it's not like it's impossible.

She stood up and started walking back and forth

Jennie- This is so weird. First of all you have to tell him, he has to know.

Jungkook- I know....

Jungkook sniffed the air

Jungkook- He is here

He said and stood up

Jennie- And who is he?

Jungkook- Taehyung

Jennie- You can smell him like for real?

Jungkook gave her a 'wtf' look

Jennie- Okay okay forget it....

Suddenly Lisa barged in the house

Lisa- Why didn't you tell me that you'll be  here.....

She asked hugging Jennie tight

Jennie- Hey baby. I had to talk to Jungkook about something and you looked so pretty while you were sleeping. I didn't have a heart to wake you up.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung who glanced at him than turned to look at the side with the most adorable pout on his lips

JK- I'm gonna die from cuteness....

Jungkook- He is so adorable...

JK- Adorable but mad at you.... let's see how will you fix this...

Jungkook- Thank you so much....you are very helpful no doubt

He sarcastically said to his wolf

OMEGA under the MASK (Vkook/Taekook) ✅Where stories live. Discover now