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~time skip to back at the hype house~

We got back to the hype house and walked in. Tony came up to Nick and they walked upstairs.


I ran upstairs to Kouvr and Alex's room.

Izzy: whatsup

Alex: what's up with the ring

Izzy: ohh I forgot to take it off me and Nick wanted to surprise y'all

Kouvr: well we won't say anything

I slid the ring off my finger and nick came in

Nick: you ready

Izzy: yup

Alex and Kouvr went to the living room and me and nick went to our room to blow up so balloons then we joined everyone downstairs in the living room with the balloons

Nick: ok so Anyone who wants to record needs to start now

Everyone pulled out there phone. Alex and Thomas pulled out there cameras and they all started recording.

Izzy: so we have news

Nick: but first you all have to pop the balloons to find it

Chase: I swear if a pregnancy test flies at me

Izzy: your safe chase I'm not pregnant

Nick: just pop the balloons

The first one popes was Rylands

Ryland: damnit I didn't get anything

Then Connors

Connor: well I got balloon in my mouth

Then Kouvrs and Avani's behind it

Kouvr: nothing

Avani: same

Then Thomas's

Thomas: there's nothing

Ondreaz: what are we doing Izzy

Izzy: you will see

Tony popped his next

He just shook his head no

Everyone else popped there balloon and had nothing. Then Ondreaz popped his and my ring hit his face

Ondreaz: ow

He grabbed the ring off his lap and held it up so everyone could see

Nick and Izzy: were getting married

Thomas: look y'all are young are you sure this is what y'all want to do

Izzy: yea

Nick: I don't want to lose her again

Ondreaz: that doesn't mean you have to get married

Izzy: dre it's what I want

Ondreaz: well you even ask our dad nick

Tony: He asked me

We all looked at Tony

Tony: he asked me before they left I knew he was going to propose and I knew she would say yes

Izzy: how did you know

Tony: because even before y'all dated I seen the way you looked at each other and no matter what you say friends don't look at friends like that

Nick: wow you get real sometimes

Tony: yea and I'm happy for you bro

Nick: thanks

Tony left the room

Izzy: Dre can I have my ring

He handed me my ring and I put it on. Everyone started leaving and I sat on the couch

Izzy: Dre do you not want me to marry nick

Ondreaz: it's not that it's just Izzy your still young I don't want you to get your heart broken

Izzy: but he wouldn't do that

Ondreaz: I know and I over reacted I'm sorry

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