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Otto's pov 

Blue streamers hung from the ceiling. Blue balloons floated around. I smiled as I followed Naomi through the crowd. I didn't know most of the people here, but I was still excited that I got to be a part of it. 

A few days ago I found out I was going to be an uncle. I um…mean I found out that Naomi was going to be an aunt. Her mother was so excited she shipped everything that came in a baby blue to their house.  

A smile hadn't left Namoi's face since this morning. And honestly mine either. Her family was just so contagious. Namoi's smile. Her father's humor that worries me. Her sister's bravery. Gareth's knowledge. And her mother's strenght. The feeling of being around them lifted me higher. They made me feel like a part of the family. 

I mean I guess they already were. Naomi and I had been friends forever. I couldn't even count the times I walked into the door without knocking, or just climb into her window. 

I remember the day we announced our new found relationship to her parents. Her mother ran over to hug me. I looked to her dad terrifed of his reaction. He stared me down. 

"Number one." His voice boomed. "No more coming in through the window." 

I nodded. "No problem." 

"Number two. Break her heart, I will break your face." 

This time I was slower to nod. 

"Number three." He paused, sitting his elbow on the kitchen conner. His eyes squinted. He leaned closer. "When is your mom going to make some more of those cookies?" 

Naomi let out a laugh that relieved the stress. 

"Um. Right now sir." I said, grabbing my phone to tell my mom.

"Naomi," I whispered. "Why am I the only guy here?" 

"This is kind of a girly thing, sorry." She told me. 

I shurgged it off, grabbing a blue cupcake. "Why are baby showers so important? The baby isn't even here to celebrate?" 

"Ha. You said it." Naomi grinned. She grabbed the clothespin from my shirt clipping it to hers. 

My eyebrow furrowed in confusion. When I walked in a woman stuck it to my shirt with a giggle. I figured it must have been a naming tag or something. But then Naomi just stole it. 

"What did I say?" I asked. 

"You said it." She responded. 

"Naomi, what are you talking about?" I asked growing more confused. 

"Your trying to trick me." She smiled, grabbing my hand. 

I sighed. "I am so confused." 

"It's a game." She finally said to me. "The last to say that word at the shower wins." 

I tried to think about which word I said, I finally gave up and asked. 

"Otto," She laughed. "You said baby." 

"Ha you said it." A fimilar voice said from behind me. 

Raine grabbed the clothes pin that used to be mine and the other one from Naomi's shirt. 

"Raine long time no see." Naomi smiled. "How are you and Dustin?" 

A smile filled Raine's face. "He is so great. How are you two?" She pointed, raising her eye brows. 

"Really good." Naomi replied. "She wrapped her arm around me and I returned pulling her closer.

Raine's nose wrinkled playfully. "Gross. Where are your mom's cookies?" 

I pointed to the desserts table and Raine hurried to snag her one before they were gone. 

Naomi went to help her sister and mom sort through the presents. I took a seat at the kitchen table sipping on punch. Thankfully I didn't have to worry about this being spiked with alcohol. 

"Otto, the nice guy wins this time." Those words echo through my head all of the time. It is almost unbelievable.

When Zander and Naomi started to hang out, I thought I was for sure out of the loop. I had been in the best friend seat for so long, I wasn't sure if I could slip out of it. Raine told me that it was impossible. But some how I managed to snag the greatest, most beautiful girl in the world. I was so lucky. 

Okay so here are my spin off ideas (I might end up doing both) 

A guide to not falling for your best friend. (Either in Zanders pov or his best friends pov following his experience with Naomi)


Nora and Gareth's story. The shy, awkward, insanly smart guy and the girl who decides to take a chance. 

Please tell me what you think. 

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